Python utility converting models from Source engine to GoldSource engine. This utility can convert models with any number of polygons and animations.
- Install required python package
pip install Pillow
Prepare folder with model files. Create a new folder and copy there all files using by model. These are:
- .mdl file
- .vmt files
- .vtf files
- .vtx file
- .vvd file
Execute python script with the cmd
python -i Path\To\The\Model.mdl
- Find result in the folder you created at the start. It will be: your_model_name_goldsource.mdl
There are two situations yet, when the model can't be converted. These are:
- The model contains sequences larger, than 64Kb.
- The model has 129 and more bones.
- Дядя Миша's studiomdl.exe
- VTFLib -
- Sources of models demonstrated here
- Serious Sam 2 SWEPS:
- DOOM Eternal NPCs:
- Dark Souls NPCs reworked:
if you have questions about usage / you encounter a model that the utility was unable to process / you have another problems, my contacts are: