Implementation of different functions, methods, constructors, and operators that is constexper'able
should be constexpr
and should follow the guidelines
when implementing with the constexpr
- no argument constructor
- initializer list constructor
- unsigned integral constructor
- string/char* constructor
- copy constructor
- copy assignment
Arithmetic Operators
&operator+=(own_type const&);
&operator-=(own_type const&);
&operator*=(own_type const&);
&operator/=(own_type const&);
&operator%=(own_type const&);
operator+(own_type const&) const;
operator-(own_type const&) const;
operator*(own_type const&) const;
operator/(own_type const&) const;
operator%(own_type const&) const;
Pre-Fix Increment/Decrement
Post-Fix Increment/Decrement
Relational Operators
bool operator<(own_type const&) const;
bool operator>(own_type const&) const;
bool operator==(own_type const&) const;
bool operator!=(own_type const&) const;
bool operator<=(own_type const&) const;
bool operator>=(own_type const&) const;
Logical Operators
explicit operator bool() const noexcept;
Bit-Wise Logical Operators
&operator&=(own_type const&);
&operator|=(own_type const&);
&operator^=(own_type const&);
operator&(own_type const&) const;
operator|(own_type const&) const;
operator^(own_type const&) const;
operator&(limb_t) const;
operator|(limb_t) const;
operator^(limb_t) const;
operator~() const;
Shift Operators
&operator<<=(size_t bits);
&operator>>=(size_t bits);
operator<<(size_t bits) const;
operator>>(size_t bits) const;
Output Stream Operator
- ostream operator (HEX)
- ostream operator (OCT)
- ostream operator (DEC)