I am an aspiring Web Developer currently enrolled in Springboard's Software Engineering program. It is a 9-month, part time software bootcamp and with a curriculum focused on modern web frameworks and technologies.
Up to this point, I have worked with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Jasmine, Python, Flask, Jinja, PostgreSQL, NodeJS, ReactJS and (surprise, surprise) GitHub. My repositories here are mainly the exercises that I have completed as I make my way through the program. I have pinned some repos to demo some of my more involved projects (including Capstones projects!).
I am an Industrial Engineer by education/training and I have been programming as a hobby for >6 years. I am incredibly excited to take a more formal approach to learning to code. I have learned and applied more past few months than I thought I would and look forward to this adventure of more personal and profession growth. Thanks for visiting! Look around and let me know if you have any feedback!