About • Installation • Usage • Supported API Endpoints • Configuration • ToDo
Gophlare is an SDK and CLI-wrapper for the flare.io API. It can be imported and used in other go projects. Every API endpoint is not fully supported yet.
Gophlare also has several convenience features baked in such as:
- XLSX and CSV file generation.
- Stealer logs downloader for zip files or specific files.
- Stealer logs cookies parser that can sort cookies by expiration date and CookieBro export to JSON support.
- Getting credentials by domain name.
- Hash identification for
results that can differentiate between passwords, password hashes, and encrypted values.
go install -v github.com/mr-pmillz/gophlare@latest
Gophlare currently supports the following API endpoints:
- /firework/v2/activities/{UID}
- /firework/v2/activities/{UID}/download
- /firework/v2/activities/{UID}/download_file
- /firework/v4/events/global/_search
- /leaksdb/v2/credentials/_search
- /leaksdb/v2/cookies/_search
search the flare api for credentials, emails, and stealer logs
Example Commands:
gophlare search --config config.yaml --search-credentials-by-domain
gophlare search --config config.yaml --search-stealer-logs-by-domain --keep-zip-files --max-zip-download-limit 0 --from '2023-01-01'
gophlare search --config config.yaml --search-emails-in-bulk -e emails.txt -o output-directory
gophlare search [flags]
-c, --company string company name that your testing
-d, --domain string domain string or file containing domains ex. domains.txt
-e, --emails string emails to check in bulk. Can be a comma separated slice or a file containing emails. ex. emails.txt
--events-filter-types string flare global events filter types. Available values: illicit_networks,open_web,leak,domain,listing,forum_content,blog_content,blog_post,profile,chat_message,ransomleak,infected_devices,financial_data,bot,stealer_log,paste,social_media,source_code,source_code_files,stack_exchange,google,service,buckets,bucket,bucket_object. can be a string, or comma-separated list of strings (default "illicit_networks,open_web,leak,domain,listing,forum_content,blog_content,blog_post,profile,chat_message,ransomleak,infected_devices,financial_data,bot,stealer_log,paste,social_media,source_code,source_code_files,stack_exchange,google,service,buckets,bucket,bucket_object")
--files-to-download string comma separated list of files to match on and download if they exist from the query
-f, --from string from date used for a filter for stealer log searches. ex. 2021-01-01
-h, --help help for search
--keep-zip-files keep all the matching downloaded zip files from the stealer logs
-m, --max-zip-download-limit int maximum number of zip files to download from the stealer logs. Set to 0 to download all zip files. (default 50)
--out-of-scope string out of scope domains, IPs, or CIDRs
-o, --output string report output dir
-q, --query string query to use for searching stealer logs.
--search-credentials-by-domain search for credentials by domain
--search-emails-in-bulk search list of emails for credentials.
--search-stealer-logs-by-domain search the stealer logs by domain, download and parse all the matching zip files for passwords and live cookies
-s, --severity string the stealer log severities to filter on. can be a string, a file, or comma-separated list of strings (default "medium,high,critical")
--timeout int timeout duration for API requests in seconds (default 600)
--to string to date used for a filter for stealer log searches. ex. 2025-01-01. Defaults to today. (default "2025-02-20")
--user-agent string custom user-agent to use for requests
-u, --user-id-format string if you know the user ID format ex. a12345 , include this to enhance matching in-scope results. can be a string, a file, or comma-separated list of strings
-v, --verbose enable verbose output
Global Flags:
--config string config file default location for viper to look is ~/.config/gophlare/config.yaml
option is a powerful feature to match account ID naming formats related to your target. For example, let's say your target uses account IDs with the format, ?l?d?d?d?d?d
, which would be one uppercase or lowercase letter followed by 5 digits, you could set the USER_ID_FORMAT
in the config.yaml file like so:
The preceding config will match any username with the regex pattern, ^[A-Za-z]\d{5}$
, sparing you the trouble of having to define the exact regex pattern. The function that does this is called, IsUserIDFormatMatch
and can be found in the utils
package in string.go
. If desired, this feature could be extended to also except raw regex patterns also, but for ease of use, regex patterns are dynamically generated based on the USER_ID_FORMAT options provided.
If you want to download and parse all matching stealer logs, set the --max-zip-download-limit
to 0. Default is 50.
By default, this will search the stealer logs going back 2 years but you can adjust the date range using the --from
and --to
gophlare search --config config/config.yaml --search-stealer-logs-by-domain --keep-zip-files --max-zip-download-limit 0 --from 2023-01-01 --to 2025-02-19
./gophlare search --config config/config.yaml --search-emails-in-bulk -e emails.txt
cli flags should override options set in config.yaml. For example, the following command will output results to the current directory via the -o
./gophlare search --config config/config.yaml --search-credentials-by-domain -o .
package main
import (
// getDateXYearsAgo returns the `yearsAgo` int as a string in the format: time.RFC3339
func getDateXYearsAgo(yearsAgo int) string {
return time.Now().AddDate(-yearsAgo, 0, 0).Format(time.RFC3339)
func main() {
output := "/tmp/example" // CHANGE-THIS
domains := []string{"example.com"} // CHANGE-THIS
emails := []string{"test1@example.com", "test2@example.com"} // CHANGE-THIS
phlareOptions := &phlare.Options{
Company: company,
Output: output,
From: getDateXYearsAgo(1),
Timeout: 600,
Severity: []string{"medium", "high", "critical"},
EventsFilterTypes: []string{"illicit_networks", "open_web", "leak", "domain", "listing", "forum_content", "blog_content", "blog_post", "profile", "chat_message", "ransomleak", "infected_devices", "financial_data", "bot", "stealer_log", "paste", "social_media", "source_code", "source_code_files", "stack_exchange", "google", "service", "buckets", "bucket", "bucket_object"},
Emails: emails,
apiKeys := config.NewGoPhlareConfig("CHANGETHIS", 123456) // CHANGE-THIS
phlareOptions.APIKeys = apiKeys
flareCreds, err := search.FlareLeaksDatabaseSearchByDomain(phlareOptions, domains)
if err != nil {
// do something with flareCreds...
_ = flareCreds
phlareOptions.MaxZipFilesToDownload = 100
phlareOptions.UserIDFormat = []string{"a12345", "a123456", "aa12345", "aa123456"}
scope, err := phlare.NewScope(phlareOptions)
if err != nil {
if err = search.DownloadAllStealerLogPasswordFiles(phlareOptions, scope); err != nil {
if err = search.SearchEmailsInBulk(phlareOptions, scope.Emails); err != nil {
- Enhance cookies search
- Export cookies to separate cookie bro output JSON files per stealer log ID
- Implement remaining API endpoints
- Add Dockerfile and push to ghcr.io container registry
- Add example library usage to README.md