This projects tries to capture various options you have when dealing with Event Driven Spring Boot applications. The follwing Spring Technologies are being used:
- Spring Boot
- Spring Cloud Stream Rabbit
- Spring Data JPA
These examples contain various different ways to model and deal with events:
- Complete aggregates / entities in the events
- REST Resource URLs in events
- Partial parsing / handling of events in consumers
- Events as Atom Feeds
- You need to have Docker installed
In the root directory you need to
- Compile everything with ./mvnw package
- Start everything up with docker-compose up --build
Mind the file in the kubernetes directory
Each of the modules is it's own Spring Boot Application which can be accessed as follows:
Name | Application / Enpoint Type | URL |
Application Process | 9000 | http://localhost:9000 |
Credit Application | 9001 | http://localhost:9001/credit-application |
Customer | 9002 | http://localhost:9002/customer and http://localhost:9002/customer/feed |
Scoring | 9003 | No UI |
CreditDecision | 9004 | http://localhost:9004/credit-decision and http://localhost:9004/credit-decision/feed |
Source: application-process
Persisted in source: no
- credit-application
- credit-decision
Topic: CreditApplicationNumberGeneratedTopic
Source: credit-application
Persisted in source: yes in its own Table via JPA
- application-process
- credit-decision
Topic: CreditApplicationEnteredTopic
Source: customer
Persisted in source: no
- application-process
- credit-decision
Topic: CustomerCreatedTopic
Source: scoring
Persisted in source: no
- application-process
- credit-decision
Topic: ScoringPositiveTopic
Source: scoring
Persisted in source: no
- application-process
- credit-decision
Topic: ScoringNegativeTopic
Source: credit-decision
Persisted in source: not as an event
- application-process
Topic: ApplicationDeclinedTopic
- CreditDetailsEnteredEvent
- FinancialSituationEnteredEvent
Both events are stored Source: credit-application Storage: Own Table via JPA
Url: http://localhost:9002/customer/feed
Contains URLs to Customer Resources
Url: http://localhost:9004/credit-decision/feed
Contains Application Numbers that have been confirmed
This demo shows various types of event types: Events with all the data, Events with Resource Urls and "Events" as Feeds
Especially the CreditApplicationEnteredEvent falls into this category: it contains all of the data for the credit application such as the financial situation and the details of the actual credit. By consuming this event you will not need additional roundtrips to upstream systems
Other events that fall into this category are:
- ApplicationNumberGeneratedEvent
- ScoringNegativeEvent
- ScoringPositiveEvent
- ApplicationDeclinedEvent
Please take a close look at how the CreditApplicationEnteredEvent is being reflected in the scoring application. Yes, we take in all the payload from the broker but the public model of the event has a clear focus on the scoring context's view on the data.
These Events do not contain a lot of information. They may contian something like a business process identifier such as the applicationNumber in this example but for the purpose of this demo I refrained from doing that. So the CustomerCreatedEvent only contians the URL to the Customer REST Resource from which interested contexts can obtain the payload from.
Althoug the usage of feeds is no plain and pure event driven processing style I think that they come in handy when you are dealing with situations like these:
- you have issues with your message broker and firewalls and these issues can't be resolved easily
- you need to have an event replay functionality in place that enables consumers to restore their replicated data
You can find "Events via Feeds" in the customer and the credit-decision (see Feeds) applications.