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Okta Open ID Connect Library

This is a new version of this SDK, the new pod name is OktaOidc. The old OktaAuth pod is now deprecated.

This library is a swift wrapper around the AppAuth-iOS objective-c code for communicating with Okta as an OAuth 2.0 + OpenID Connect provider, and follows current best practice for native apps using Authorization Code Flow + PKCE.

You can learn more on the Okta + iOS page in our documentation. You can also download our sample application

Table of Contents

Getting Started

Installing the OktaOidc SDK into your project is simple. The easiest way to include this library into your project is through CocoaPods.

You'll also need:

  • An Okta account, called an organization (sign up for a free developer organization if you need one).
  • An Okta Application, configured as a Native App. This is done from the Okta Developer Console and you can find instructions here. When following the wizard, use the default properties. They are designed to work with our sample applications.


Simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'OktaOidc'

Then install it into your project:

pod install


To integrate this SDK into your Xcode project using Carthage, specify it in your Cartfile:

github "okta/okta-oidc-ios"

Handle the redirect

Important: This is needed if you want to support iOS 10 and older. Starting from iOS 11 Okta uses SFAuthenticationSession API (replaced with ASWebAuthenticationSession in iOS 12) that handle redirects from browser by its own. Therefore application(,open:, options:) won't be called during SignIn/SignOut operations.

In order to redirect back to your application from a web browser, you must specify a unique URI to your app. To do this, open Info.plist in your application bundle and set a URL Scheme to the scheme of the redirect URI.

For example, if your Redirect URI is com.okta.example:/callback, the URL Scheme will be com.okta.example. Note: Don't make redirect uri in format x.x.x.x, for example com.okta.another.example. Safari engine will fail to redirect to your application

Next, update your AppDelegate to include the following function to allow the redirect to occur:

// AppDelegate.swift
import OktaOidc

var oktaOidc: OktaOidc?

func application(_ app: UIApplication, open url: URL, options: [UIApplication.OpenURLOptionsKey : Any]) -> Bool {
  // oktaOidc - Configured OktaOidc instance used to start SignIn/SignOut flow. 
  return oktaOidc.resume(url: url, options: options)

How to use in Objective-C project

To use this SDK in Objective-C project, you should do the following:

  • Add use_frameworks! in your Pod file.
  • Add project setting SWIFT_VERSION = 4.2. To do this open Build Settings in Xcode, select Edit -> Add Build setting -> Add User-Defined Setting. Specify SWIFT_VERSION and 4.2 as setting name and value correspondently.
  • Include autogenerated header OktaOidc/OktaOidc-Swift.h into your source code.

Usage Guide

For an overview of this library's features and authentication flows, check out our developer docs.

You can also browse the full API reference documentation.

Configuration Reference

Before using this SDK you have to create a new object of OktaOidc. You can instantiate OktaOidc w/o parameters that means that SDK will use Okta.plist for configuration values. Alternatively you can create OktaOidc with custom configuration.

import OktaOidc

// Use the default Okta.plist configuration
let oktaOidc = OktaOidc()

// Use configuration from another resource
let config = OktaOidcConfig(/* plist */)
let config = OktaOidcConfig(/* dictionary */)

// Instantiate OktaOidc with custom configuration object
let oktaOidc = OktaOidc(configuration: config)

Need a refresh token? A refresh token is a special token that is used to generate additional access and ID tokens. Make sure to include the offline_access scope in your configuration to silently renew the user's session in your application!

Property list

The easiest way is to create a property list in your application's bundle. By default, this library checks for the existence of the file Okta.plist. However any property list file can be used to create configuration object. Ensure one is created with the following fields:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
    <string>openid profile offline_access</string>

Configuration object

Alternatively, you can create a configuration object ( OktaOidcConfig) from dictionary with the required values:

let configuration = OktaOidcConfig(with: [
  "issuer": "https://{yourOktaDomain}/oauth2/default",
  "clientId": "{clientID}",
  "redirectUri": "{redirectUri}",
  "logoutRedirectUri": "{logoutRedirectUri}",
  "scopes": "openid profile offline_access",
  // Custom parameters
  "login_hint": ""

API Reference


Start the authorization flow by simply calling signIn. In case of successful authorization, this operation will return valid OktaOidcStateManager in its callback. Clients are responsible for further storage and maintenance of the manager.

oktaOidc.signInWithBrowser(from: self) { stateManager, error in
  if let error = error {
    // Error

  // stateManager.accessToken
  // stateManager.idToken
  // stateManager.refreshToken

Sample app example


This method ends the user's Okta session in the browser. The method deletes Okta's persistent cookie and disables SSO capabilities.

Important: This method does not clear or revoke tokens minted by Okta. Use the revoke and clear methods of OktaOidcStateManager to terminate the user's local session in your application.

// Redirects to the configured 'logoutRedirectUri' specified in Okta.plist.
oktaOidc.signOutOfOkta(authStateManager, from: self) { error in
  if let error = error {
    // Error

Sample app example


This method helps to perform a multi-step sign-out flow. The method provides options that you want to perform and the SDK runs the options as a batch. The available options are:

  • revokeAccessToken - SDK revokes access token
  • revokeRefreshToken - SDK revokes refresh token
  • removeTokensFromStorage - SDK removes tokens from the secure storage
  • signOutFromOkta - SDK calls signOutOfOkta
  • revokeTokensOptions - revokes access and refresh tokens
  • allOptions - revokes tokens, signs out from Okta, and removes tokens from the secure storage

The order of operations performed by the SDK:

  1. Revoke the access token, if the option is set. If this step fails step 3 will be omitted.
  2. Revoke the refresh token, if the option is set. If this step fails step 3 will be omitted.
  3. Remove tokens from the secure storage, if the option is set.
  4. Browser sign out, if the option is set.
let options: OktaSignOutOptions = .revokeTokensOptions
oktaAppAuth?.signOut(authStateManager: authStateManager, from: self, progressHandler: { currentOption in
    if currentOption.contains(.revokeAccessToken) {
        // update progress
    } else if currentOption.contains(.revokeRefreshToken) {
        // update progress
    } else if currentOption.contains(.signOutFromOkta) {
        // update progress
}, completionHandler: { success, failedOptions in
    if !success {
        // handle error


If you already signed in to Okta and have a valid session token, you can complete authorization by calling authenticate(withSessionToken:). Upon successful authorization, this operation returns a valid OktaOidcStateManager in the callback. Clients are responsible for further storage and maintenance of the manager.

oktaOidc.authenticate(withSessionToken: token) { stateManager, error in
  if let error = error {
    // Error

  // stateManager.accessToken
  // stateManager.idToken
  // stateManager.refreshToken

Sample app example


Tokens are securely stored in the Keychain and can be retrieved by accessing the OktaOidcStateManager.


User is responsible for storing OktaAuthStateManager returned by signInWithBrowser or authenticate operation. To store manager call the writeToSecureStorage method:

oktaOidc.signInWithBrowser(from: self) { stateManager, error in

Sample app example

To retrieve stored manager call readFromSecureStorage(for: ) and pass here Okta configuration that corresponds to a manager you are interested in.

guard let stateManager = OktaOidcStateManager.readFromSecureStorage(for: oktaConfig) else {
    // unauthenticated

// stateManager.accessToken
// stateManager.idToken
// stateManager.refreshToken

Sample app example

Note: In OktaOidc SDK 3.0 we added support for multiple Oauth 2.0 accounts. So developer can use Okta endpoint, social endpoint and others in one application. Therefore OktaOidcStateManager is stored in keychain using composite key constructed based on configuration. For backward compatibility there is a method readFromSecureStorage() that tries to read OktaOidcStateManager stored on a legacy way, so user could retrieve previously stored OktaOidcStateManager after switching to a newer version of SDK.


Calls the introspection endpoint to inspect the validity of the specified token.

stateManager?.introspect(token: accessToken, callback: { payload, error in
  guard let isValid = payload["active"] as? Bool else {
    // Error

  print("Is token valid? \(isValid)")

Sample app example


Since access tokens are traditionally short-lived, you can renew expired tokens by exchanging a refresh token for new ones. See the configuration reference to ensure your app is configured properly for this flow.

stateManager?.renew { newAccessToken, error in
  if let error = error else {
    // Error

  // renewed TokenManager

Sample app example


Calls the revocation endpoint to revoke the specified token.

stateManager?.revoke(accessToken) { response, error in
  if let error = error else {
    // Error

  // Token was revoked

Sample app example


Calls the OpenID Connect UserInfo endpoint with the stored access token to return user claim information.

stateManager?.getUser { response, error in
  if let error = error {
    // Error

  // JSON response

Sample app example


Removes the local authentication state by removing cached tokens in the keychain. Note: SDK deletes all keychain items accessible to an application.


Sample app example


Running Tests

To perform an end-to-end test, update the Okta.plist file to match your configuration as specified in the prerequisites. Next, export the following environment variables:

export USERNAME={username}
export PASSWORD={password}
export CLIENT_ID={clientId}
export ISSUER=https://{yourOktaDomain}/oauth2/default
export REDIRECT_URI={redirectUri}
export LOGOUT_REDIRECT_URI={logoutRedirectUri}

# Run E2E end Unit tests
bash ./scripts/

Note: You may need to update the emulator device to match your Xcode version


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  • Objective-C 71.7%
  • Swift 28.1%
  • Other 0.2%