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Testing workflows

Fork testing (on GitHub)

  1. Setup your Google API Credentials on

    • Credentials -> Create Credentials -> Service Accounts
    • Enable the Google Sheets API under APIs and Services
  2. Fork the Open Grants repo (or create a private repo and push to it)

  3. Set up your secrets under the fork/settings:

    • MATRIX_CHANNEL_ID (for both matrix vars, refer to this guide, W3F account is on 1Password)
    • ACTIONS_STEP_DEBUG: set this to true for more verbose logs on workflow runs
    • ACTIONS_RUNNER_DEBUG: similar as above, haven't tried it
  4. Branch off from master. Create a PR with only 1 file added (e.g. cp deliveries/ deliveries/, add & commit it). Different workflows are triggered on different conditions. Note: Push any changes to your fork's master branch before you branch off, because the workflow to run will be the one from master.

Local testing

While it requires some assumptions & is somewhat limited in scope, it's possible to run local testing on some of the workflows


  1. Setup your Google API Credentials on
    • Credentials -> Create Credentials -> Service Accounts
  2. Follow the instructions for installing act
  3. The act environment is configured via .actrc & .env files. For this repo, we set:
    • the docker image used for testing to nektos/act-environments-ubuntu:18.04, corresponding to GitHub's test environment. Probably not all features are necessary, but we rely for example on the presence of jq in the image for JSON parsing.
      echo "-P ubuntu-latest=nektos/act-environments-ubuntu:18.04" > .actrc
    • ACT=true environment variable. This way we can distinguish which steps to run
      echo "ACT=true" > .env
  4. Pull the above mentioned docker image:
    docker pull nektos/act-environments-ubuntu:18.04


  1. Modify the google_sheet_update.yml to replace the parse files section with local testing parse files (since they have the same ID, they can't both be used in the yml or else GitHub will complain). They should both be there by default, it's just a matter of commenting one section out.
  2. Create a sample pull request file:
    echo '{
        "pull_request": {
            "head": {
            "ref": "10e629ef2f090f55a52b693961de8f5e1206d900"
            "base": {
            "ref": "10e629ef2f090f55a52b693961de8f5e1206d900"
            "state": "open",
            "author": "mmagician",
            "number": 174,
            "body": "# Grant Application Checklist\n- [X] The []( has been copied, renamed ( \"\") and updated."
    }' > .pr_event.json
  3.  act -s GSHEET_PRIVATE_KEY="$(< .gsheet_private_key)" -s GSHEET_CLIENT_EMAIL="$(< .gsheet_client_email)" -s SPREADSHEET_ID="$(< .spreadsheet_id)" -e .pr_event.json -j update_sheet