Sends commands to lircd that sends IR-signals to any device that has an IR-interface.
At least a running and listening lircd with an IR-transmitter, optional an IR-receiver (for learning remotes) and the remote configuration file of your remote control. You can create this file by learning your remote with irrecord or use an existing file from the remotes database.
For more information about lircd and the remotes database see and
class_name: LIRC
class_path: plugins.lirc
instance: "livingroom"
lirc_host: ""
# lirc_port: 6610
class_name: LIRC
class_path: plugins.lirc
instance: "hifisystem"
lirc_host: ""
# lirc_port: 6610
This attribute is mandatory. You have to provide an unique identifier for every instance. That identifier will be used to relate the items to the correct lircd.
This attribute is mandatory. You have to provide the IP adress or the hostname of the lircd.
You could specify a port to connect to. By default port 8765 is used.
If the value of an item configured in items.yaml is set or updated the plugin will send an command to lircd to send the related lirc_key n times whereby n means the value that has been assigned to the item. The plugin will reset the item to 0. e.g. DVDLIVINGROOM_POWER is set to 5 => lircd will send 5x POWER via IR DVDLIVINGROOM_POWER is set to 1 => lircd will send 1x POWER via IR
type: num
lirc_remote@instancename: "PHILIPSDVD"
lirc_key@instancename: "POWER"
The name of the remote. This name has to match the name of the remote in lircd. Add @instancename to assign the item to an specific instance configured in plugin.yaml
The name of the key on the given remote. This name has to match the name of the key in lircd. Add @instancename to assign the item to an specific instance configured in plugin.yaml
type: num
lirc_remote@livingroom: "PHILIPSDVD"
lirc_key@livingroom: "POWER"
type: num
lirc_remote@hifisystem: "TEVION_RCD9211"
lirc_key@hifisystem: "POWER"
type: num
lirc_remote@hifisystem: "TEVION_RCD9211"
lirc_key@hifisystem: "FUNCTION"
type: num
lirc_remote@hifisystem: "TEVION_RCD9211"
lirc_key@hifisystem: "VOLUP"
type: num
lirc_remote@hifisystem: "TEVION_RCD9211"
lirc_key@hifisystem: "VOLDOWN"
You can configure the logger to see specific outputs of the plugin. That's helpfull when setting up the plugin. To see e.g. the debug-outputs of the plugin you have to configure the logging.yaml file.
level: DEBUG
That configured loglevel is used for all instances of the plugin. All output lines of the plulgin have a prefix to identify which instance gave the output. e.g.
the output of the instance livingroom:
1970-01-01 00:00:00 INFO Connections lirc_livingroom: connected to lircd 0.9.4c on
the output of the instance hifisystem:
1970-01-01 00:00:00 INFO Connections lirc_hifisystem: connected to lircd 0.9.4c on