Detailed documentation can be found on the Wiki:
All files go to smarthome/plugins/helios
. Then do the following:
files/helios.conf copy file to smarthome/items/helios.conf
files/ copy file to smarthome/logics/helios.conf
Add the following lines to smarthome/etc/plugin.conf
class_name = helios
class_path = plugins.helios
tty = /dev/ttyUSB0 # put your serial port here (usually /dev/ttyUSB0 or /dev/ttyAMA0)
cycle = 60 # update interval in seconds; ex-default: 300
Add the following lines to smarthome/etc/logic.conf:
filename =
watch_item = ventilation.fanspeed.fanspeed_uzsu
filename =
watch_item = ventilation.booster_mode.logics.switch
At next you should update the settings in the first section of smarthome/items/helios.conf
in order to get correct values.
Restart, plugin should be running by now (check items in backend plugin).
Troubleshooting options on github (see above).
Copy all files from sv_widgets
to smartVISU/widgets
. Then add following 2 lines to your HTML:
{% import "helios.html" as helios %}
{{ helios.show_widget('EC300Pro', true, 'Kontrollierte Wohnraumlüftung') }}
Widget options:
{{ helios.show_widget(id, use_uzsu, title) }}
id unique id
use_uzsu display UZSU icon true / false
title optional title on top
Enjoy! :)