This plugin is based on the lib pymodbus (branch python3):
It is currently working and tested with:
- Pluggit AP310
The plugin can be configured like this:
class_name = Pluggit
class_path = plugins.pluggit
host =
#cycle = 300
This plugin retrieves data from the KWL Pluggit AP310 based on the modbus register description from the official pluggit homepage ( )
The data retrieval is done by establishing a modbus tcp network connection via modbus port 502. You need to configure the host (or IP) address of your pluggit KWL.
The cycle parameter defines the update interval and defaults to 300 seconds.
This attribute references the information to retrieve by the plugin. The following list of information can be specified:
- prmRamIdxUnitMode: Active Unit mode> 0x0004 Manual Mode; 0x0008 WeekProgram
- prmNumOfWeekProgram: Number of the Active Week Program (for Week Program mode)
- prmRomIdxSpeedLevel: Speed level of Fans in Manual mode; shows a current speed level [4-0]; used for changing of the fan speed level
- prmFilterRemainingTime: Remaining time of the Filter Lifetime (Days)
- prmRamIdxT1: Frischluft temperature in degree
- prmRamIdxT2: Zuluft temperature in degree
- prmRamIdxT3: Abluft temperature in degree
- prmRamIdxT4: Fortluft temperature in degree
- prmRamIdxBypassActualState: Bypass state> Closed 0x0000; In process 0x0001; Closing 0x0020; Opening 0x0040; Opened 0x00FF
- activatePowerBoost: bool variable that changes the Unit Mode to manual mode and sets the fan speed level to the highest level (4)
Example configuration which shows the current unit mode, the actual week program, the fan speed, the remaining filter lifetime and the bypass state.
# items/pluggit.conf
type = foo
type = str
visu_acl = ro
enforce_updates = true
pluggit_listen = prmRamIdxUnitMode
type = num
visu_acl = ro
enforce_updates = true
pluggit_listen = prmNumOfWeekProgram
type = num
visu_acl = ro
enforce_updates = true
pluggit_listen = prmRomIdxSpeedLevel
type = num
visu_acl = ro
enforce_updates = true
pluggit_listen = prmFilterRemainingTime
type = num
visu_acl = ro
enforce_updates = true
pluggit_listen = prmRamIdxT1
type = num
visu_acl = ro
enforce_updates = true
pluggit_listen = prmRamIdxT2
type = num
visu_acl = ro
enforce_updates = true
pluggit_listen = prmRamIdxT3
type = num
visu_acl = ro
enforce_updates = true
pluggit_listen = prmRamIdxT4
type = str
visu_acl = ro
enforce_updates = true
pluggit_listen = prmRamIdxBypassActualState
type = bool
visu_acl = rw
enforce_updates = true
pluggit_send = activatePowerBoost
No logic related stuff implemented.
No methods provided currently.