Tags: moranw/react-boilerplate
Update package.json version to 3.7.0 (react-boilerplate#2407) Update package.json version to 3.7.0
Merge v3.5 release (react-boilerplate#1929) * Docs Update: sass.md | New webpack version -loader suffix (react-boilerplate#1484) * New webpack version -loader suffix New webpack version no longer allowed to omit the '-loader' suffix when using loaders. * Webpack 2 migration module.loaders => module.rules * Fix Loaders/Rules * chore(docs): fix link to redux-saga docs Fix a broken link to redux-saga docs. * feat(webpack): Support OpenType fonts with .otf file extension (react-boilerplate#1471) * chore(docs): improve testing documentation * [doc] improve code snippet syntax in unit-testing doc linted code snippet and removed uneeded import * [doc] add overview of reducer test in unit testing doc add the completed reducer test file as overview in unit testing documentation * [doc] improve component testing doc linted code snippets, added complete test file as refernce and link to next doc page. * chore(setup): remove LGTM config files (react-boilerplate#1317) * chore(setup): remove LGTM * Add collaborating guidelines * Add @KarandikarMihir * Remove .react.js extensions (react-boilerplate#1469) * Remove .react.js extensions * Restore file names in the title comments * Remove hyphens * chore(deps): update deps roll-up Jan-21-2017 (react-boilerplate#1501) * fix(tests): Replace sinon restore (react-boilerplate#1512) * Remove sinon.restore() * Lock down sinon version * chore(all): move to an organisation on GitHub * Make webpack build less verbose (react-boilerplate#1510) * removed route names from app/routes (react-boilerplate#1509) * removed route names from app/routes * removed name prop from internals/templates/routes * removed name from internals/gens/route/route.hbs and routeWithReducer.hbs * fix(eslint): Enable rule react/no-array-index-key (react-boilerplate#1521) * enable rule react/no-array-index-key * fix test of List component * fix(dependencies.js): clean up console clutter for install scripts (react-boilerplate#1532) Ref react-boilerplate#1506 * Fix typo i18n.md (react-boilerplate#1541) * chore(deps): update deps roll-up Jan-28-2017 (react-boilerplate#1531) * chore(deps): update deps roll-up Jan-28-2017 * Update package.json * Set history@3.2.1 * Using optimised version of the banner (react-boilerplate#1560) Taken from react-boilerplate#907 * test(build:clean script): remove test:clean from build:clean - fixes coveralls reporting? (react-boilerplate#1563) * Update docs (README.md, Gotchas.md) (react-boilerplate#1534) * Update README.md * Update gotchas.md * Add links to gotchas * Update docs * Remove redundant sentence * Move reinstall steps to gotchas.md * Update README.md * Minor corrections * Add jest cache clean to gotchas.md * Fix team of devs link (react-boilerplate#1566) * chore(deps): update deps roll-up Feb-04-2017 (react-boilerplate#1561) * Add iOS home screen icon (react-boilerplate#1585) * fix manifest icons (react-boilerplate#1568) * manifest(fix) (react-boilerplate#1594) * Change dev source map style (react-boilerplate#1559) * (fix) ProgressBar state error (react-boilerplate#1553) * Bind listener to the current instance of component * Bring up coverage * Reassign listener with newly bound listener * Minor changes * Separated dev and prod middlewares (react-boilerplate#1556) * Update FAQ with Styles getting overridden (react-boilerplate#1592) * Improve <List> tests (react-boilerplate#1134) * Fix imported styles (react-boilerplate#1599) * Migrate webpack loaders * Add comment to CSS loader This should help clarify and reduce common problems * Split css rules into two * Updated docs * First draft of new styling docs * Fix Sass heading * Fix links and wording * Add LESS and other improvements * Post test fixes * Updated headings and added more info section * fix: Intl polyfill for language generator (react-boilerplate#1611) * fix: Intl polyfill for language generator * fix: appveyor chrome issue by adding suggested --ignore-checksums * Fix broken link in documentation. Fixes react-boilerplate#1638. (react-boilerplate#1643) * refactor(react-router-scroll): Import only useScroll (react-boilerplate#1609) * chore(package.json): sort ESLint config (react-boilerplate#1660) This PR will sort the ESLint configuration alphabetically in `package.json`. * Fix iOS home screen icons (react-boilerplate#1604) * Use absolute paths * AppVeyor install chrome ignoring checksums * Add Stateless Functions to Container Generator (react-boilerplate#1494) * Add Stateless Functions to Container Generator * Fix linting test for generators * Tightened up generator type names - Also made component and container use similar order and language * Fix odd node5 issue * and disable eslint for the var * Fix missing reference (react-boilerplate#1725) * Moving Contrib documentation to the right place (react-boilerplate#1721) * refactor(react-router): Import only necessary components (react-boilerplate#1608) Instead of importing the entire library, cherry-pick the components we use. This is [supported and encouraged](https://github.com/ReactTraining/react-router/blob/master/docs/guides/MinimizingBundleSize.md) by react-router. Reduced the size of the main bundle by 9 KB (709 KB -> 700 KB). * Fixing links for the contributing.md (react-boilerplate#1738) * a grammatical item (react-boilerplate#1740) * Remove state update in componentWillUpdate (react-boilerplate#1769) * syntatical improvements to progress bar (react-boilerplate#1633) * syntatical improvements to progress bar * declare propTypes and defaultProps on the class instead of using the static keyword * Improve the setup to recognize our own repo before clearing it. (react-boilerplate#1720) * Add intelligence to the setup to recognize our own repo, before nuking it. (react-boilerplate#760, react-boilerplate#1719) * Cleaning up console messages upon setup * Adding a prompt for deciding whether to clear the repo or not. Fixed: react-boilerplate#760, react-boilerplate#1719 * Fixing the scenario where it was not exiting this file after not removing the repository * Doing minor changes suggested * Updating quickstart file location (react-boilerplate#1712) * Request utils: handle 204 and 205 HTTP response (react-boilerplate#1780) * feat(core): styled-components v2 update (react-boilerplate#1775) * feat(core): styled-components v2 update * fix(deps): lock version for styled plugin * Fix: Use local instance of shelljs (react-boilerplate#1782) * Use local instance of shelljs * Replace var with const * Switching deprecated babel-preset-latest to babel-preset-env (react-boilerplate#1736) * adding babel-preset-env package * replacing deprecated babel-preset-latest with babel-preset-env to avoid the following npm installation warning: ``` npm WARN deprecated babel-preset-latest@6.24.0: preset-latest accomplishes the same task as babel-preset-env. Please install it with 'npm install babel-preset-env --save-dev'. '{ "presets": ["latest"] }' to '{ "presets": ["env"] }'. For more info, please check the docs: http://babeljs.io/docs/plugins/preset-env ``` Ref. react-boilerplate#1667 * removing deprecated babel-preset-latest package * Add missing word (react-boilerplate#1789) * Migrating from React.PropTypes to PropTypes (react-boilerplate#1787) * adding prop-types dependency * migrating from React.PropTypes to PropTypes * Adding some tests (react-boilerplate#1784) * tests(FeaturePage): testing shouldComponentUpdate function * tests(HomePage): testing if username prop is missing * tests(ProgressBar): testing when route is not changing * tests: removing global-styles.js from coverage collect * tests(Toggle): adding tests for empty values prop * tests(store): adding missing tests * tests(ProgressBar): adding missing tests * chore(deps): update deps roll-up Jun-01-2017 (react-boilerplate#1794) * chore(deps): update deps roll-up Jun-01-2017 * Add react-test-renderer as dev dependency * Remove `react-addons-test-utils` * Use new `react-helmet` API * Get rid of the warning: 'DeprecationWarning: loaderUtils.parseQuery() received a non-string value which can be problematic, see webpack/loader-utils#56 parseQuery() will be replaced with getOptions() in the next major version of loader-utils.' Get rid of the warning: 'DeprecationWarning: loaderUtils.parseQuery() received a non-string value which can be problematic, see webpack/loader-utils#56 parseQuery() will be replaced with getOptions() in the next major version of loader-utils.' * Revert line that wasn't meant to be commited * docs(maintenance): Create dependency update doc (react-boilerplate#1790) * docs(maintenance): Create dependency update doc * Update dependency.md * Update dependency.md * Update dependency.md * Update dependency.md * Add link to react-boilerplate#598 * Update the 'tagged template literals' link to point to its new home at styled-components.com (react-boilerplate#1824) * feat(core): React Router v4, React-Loadable, asyncInjectors (react-boilerplate#1746) * Migrate to react router v4. * Make sure Switch renders after redux state change by passing in redux location, propagate computedMatch to Route, and make not-found matcher non-exact. * Fix route generator. * Implicitly pass store into loader from AsyncRoute to simplify custom child route components. * Fix route prop propagation. * Regen yarn.lock * Keep track of route loading in redux state and read in progress bar. * Replace AsyncRoute with react-loadable * Add `DefaultLoadingComponentProvider` * Rename `loader.js` to `Loadable.js` * Revert 9f44f1b * small chores * Add tests * Update generators * Exclude component/Loadable from coverage * Update docs * Make App a class that extends React.Component to enable hot reloading * Add a link to RR4 API * Improve generators * Fix linting errors * Update react-loadable * Update yarn.lock * Propagate InnerLoadable props to the rendered component, for Route props like match. * Refactor * rename withMappedState -> withConnect * rename name to key * Use constants * Make 'daemon' a default mode for `injectReducer` * Simplify `ejectSaga` * Improve docs * clean up * recommend to use `ConnectedSwitch` * turn `App` into a function like it was before * Run CI * Import `memoryHistory` and `browserHistory` from `react-router-dom` instead of `react-router` * Remove path from a 'not found' route * Update deps * Simplify tests * Remove modes from `injectReducer` * Make second argument to be a descriptor in `sagaInjectors` * Change `constants` to have consistent values * Remove non-daemon saga descriptors in production in `ejectSaga` * Save an entire descriptor in the saga registry * Fix `constants` in templates * fix(hmr): Replace `preset-hmre` with vanilla webpack HMR (react-boilerplate#1871) * Replace react-hmre with bare webpack hmr * Explicitly unmount the main component * Prevent recomputing reducers for `replaceReducer` * Add a link to Wepack HMR to the docs * Remove `overlay=true` * Accept an array of modules to hot reload * Add Debugging section in Docs + VS Code instructions (react-boilerplate#1698) * Add debugging section in README * Move WebStorm FAQ to debugging section * Add VS Code to debugging section * Update VS Code launch config * Update VS Code config to work in dev branch * Add VS Code launch.json config * Update launch.json to be compatible with master * Update VS Code launch to be compatible with master * Remove .vscode launch config * Add notice on source map issue for VS Code. * move onSubmitForm test into mapDispatchToProps test (react-boilerplate#1644) * Use camelcase for reducer and saga key to match selector. (react-boilerplate#1888) * chore(deps): remove unusable deps sinon (react-boilerplate#1882) * chore(deps): downgrade `sanitize.css` (react-boilerplate#1872) * chore(templates): turn `App` into a functional component (react-boilerplate#1892) Fixes react-boilerplate#1884 * fix(generators): use correct selector names in tests and regular selectors should not be nested (react-boilerplate#1873) * Rename store.js to configureStore.js to Prevent conflict with storeJS… (react-boilerplate#1904) * Rename store.js to configureStore.js to Prevent conflict with storeJS npm package * Fix store -> configureStore * Bump webpack to 3.0.0 and update related deps (react-boilerplate#1823) * Bump webpack to 3.0.0 and related deps * Add ModuleConcatenationPlugin to webpack base config * Check in mysterious change in yarn.lock * Install latest html-webpack-plugin and resolve incorrect peer dep issue * Update webpack to 3.5.4 * Bump webpack to 3.5.5 * Move ModuleConcatenationPlugin from base to prod config, add --display-optimization-bailout flag * Serve Dlls via add-asset-html-webpack-plugin (react-boilerplate#1849) * Serve Dlls via add-asset-html-webpack-plugin * Remove duplicate dll script tags and cheerio dependency * Remove cheerio refs from docs * Minor whitespace change * Remove eslint exception in webpack.dll.babel.js * chore(deps): Upgrade React to v15.6 (react-boilerplate#1832) * chore(deps): regenerate `yarn.lock` (react-boilerplate#1931) * chore(deps): regenerate `yarn.lock` * Empty commit to restart netlify * chore(3.5): Update changelog.md
Merge pull request react-boilerplate#1322 from mxstbr/3.4 v3.4.0
fix(example): Fix i18n button not updating (react-boilerplate#1187) (r… …eact-boilerplate#1194)
fix(example: Test warnings (react-boilerplate#923) * Fix test invalid prop warning. Resolved by rewiring Banner to be a string instead of object. It is an object becaue the test webpack does not use the image loader. * Fix test propType warning by passing onChange. This seems to be a debatable issues (1118) with react which requires an onChange if providing a value. * Fix test warnings by passing required props. * Increate test coverage of the Img component. * Update src proptype to stop test warnings