A cheap but powerful CH55x BadUSB Cable with SL2.1s USBHUB, which makes the cable usable while executing payload.
DISCLAIMER: This repository is for research purposes only. I take NO responsibility and/or liability for your actions.
如果嫌麻烦的话可以直接下单 https://oshwhub.com/monkeylord/badusb-cable 厚度选0.8mm
PCB Thickness 0.8mm
If you are not good at soldering SSOP, you can use SMT for top. All SSOP is on top.
If you don't need reflashing, you can just ignore R1
and SW1
, and you only need to solder a crystal oscillator.
数据线 / Cable
- USB长壳 / USB Shell Long
- 单头四芯USB线 / Single End USB Cable
- 任意直插式元件(只用引脚) / Pins (Legs donation from other compenent)
焊接如下 / solder like this:
要求 / Requirement
- CH55xDuino : https://github.com/DeqingSun/ch55xduino
- WCHISPTool : https://www.wch.cn/downloads/WCHISPTool_Setup_exe.html
编程 / Programming
See HIDKeyboardDemo
烧录 / Flashing
使用arduino IDE直接烧录 / Just use arduino IDE
使用WCHISPTool烧录编译得到的hex / Or use WCHISPTool
Note: payload will execute right after flashing, so a long delay in payload is advised.
重新烧录 / Reflashing
If P3.6 is pulled up when boot, ch552e will run into bootloader, which allow USB flashing like first time flashing.
So, press SW1 when plug in, and then release SW1, then you can flashing it like first time flashing.
You may need some tools like tweezer, for SW1 is really small.
https://github.com/joelsernamoreno/BadUSB-Cable for inspiration
https://github.com/DeqingSun/ch55xduino for arduino IDE environment