This app is a React based Quiz that checks your answers from server and saves your progress in localStorage.
You must have node installed.
Make this directory as your working directory in your terminal. Then install dependencies with the command npm install
Run the command npm start
in the terminal. The Web App should be accessible at http://localhost:3000
and http://<your-ip>:3000
and server is accessible through port http://localhost:3001
This returns an array that contains a set of objects that represent the questions to ask the user.
This expects an object with an Id, and an answer. Looks through the questions to check if the sent response has the correct answer.
The Home page renders one or two buttons depending on if there was data saved.
No Data saved. You'll see a button that creates a new session and redirects you to the quiz page.
Data saved. There are two buttons
- A button that will recover the last session (saved in localStorage).
- Another button that allows you to start over.
This page displays 4 option buttons and one answer button. You must select an option before you can click the answer button:
- Option buttons: Allows you to select an option.
- Answer button: Sends the answer to server and allows you to move through the quiz.
- React.js
- express.js (backend)
- Bootstrap (React and Vanilla CSS)
- Font Awesome for Icons
- Google Fonts
- Axios (Http Requests)
- Juan Carlos Castellanos Navarro - monguis
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.