MongoDB welcomes community contributions! If you’re interested in making a contribution to the MongoDB Shell, please follow the steps below before you start writing any code:
- Sign the contributor's agreement. This will allow us to review and accept contributions.
- Fork the repository on GitHub
- Create a branch with a name that briefly describes your feature
- Implement your feature or bug fix
- Add new test cases that verify your bug fix or make sure no one
unintentionally breaks your feature in the future and run them with
npm test
- Add comments around your new code that explain what's happening
- Commit and push your changes to your branch then submit a pull request
You can report new bugs by creating a new issue. Please include as much information as possible about your environment.
We support Node.js 12.x+ for the individual packages, and Node.js 14.x only for the CLI repl specifically. These versions are mentioned:
- In the individual packages’ package.json files
- In the evergreen config
- In the homebrew generation script
- In the Docker files we use for building the binary/testing vscode