iterating over a path that has images and calculate the image embeddings in python is really expensive,
I was thinking maybe it can be offloaded into the c code and exposed into the python binding.
as an example, form the doc notebook:
image_files= [...] #list of image paths
##⚠️it take about ~30 min to embed 5000 images of fashion dataset
image_embeddings = [model.load_preprocess_encode_image(im) for im in tqdm(image_files)]
image_embeddings = np.array(image_embeddings, dtype=np.float16)
the favorable behavior may be like this:
images = [...] #list of image paths
# accepting list of image files
# load_preprocess_encode_images iterating and process it in c exposed to the bindings
image_embeddings = model.load_preprocess_encode_images(image_files)
image_embeddings = np.array(image_embeddings, dtype=np.float16)
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