For beginners is recommended the gide: How to create a WordPress plugin step by step
Backend Frontend Template Pro is a template and library with which to develop plugins for WordPress easily and quickly. You won't have to reinvent the wheel to get a WordPress plugin created, just develop your idea.
Get started now, it's not necessary to know all the WordPress plugin developments documentation because you won't need to know WordPress functions like add_menu_page, add_submenu_page, add_settings_section, add_settings_field, register_setting among others. Nor will it be necessary to reinvent the wheel or investigate, this WordPress plugin template makes it easy and explains step by step unlike a simple WordPress boilerplate that only generates doubts and will make you waste too many hours
Withthis template/library you can develop your plugin right now just by following the installation, making the plugin yours, checking the content, and seeing the examples only of what you need
Save time and focus on developing your idea.
First steps to make the plugin your own
Dashboard: manage and display errors
Client side: shortcode complete example
Client side: shortcode results
Download the code, copy the folder 'backend-frontend-template' on your WordPress instalation/wp-content/plugins and follow
- Change the files of wp-content/plugins/backend-frontend-template with the id of your plugin (like 'a-plugin-name')
- Delete the files or change their extension:
- wp-content/plugins/backend-frontend-template/backend-frontend-template.php
- wp-content/plugins/backend-frontend-template/includes/class-backend-frontend-template.php
- Change the extension of the files to PHP:
- wp-content/plugins/backend-frontend-template/your-plugin.txt
- wp-content/plugins/backend-frontend-template/includes/class-your-plugin.txt
- Uncomment: "//$this->admin_pages_main_name = $this->plugin_title; on wp-content/plugins/backend-frontend-template/admin/class-your-plugin-admin.php
- Find and replace all the file names with 'your-plugin' like 'class-your-plugin.php' to your plugin id, example: 'class-a-plugin-name.php'.
- On wp-content/plugins/backend-frontend-template/languages replace the file names with 'bft-internationalization' to 'your-plugin', example: ''
- Go to search and replace of your editor, active 'match case' and replace this strings:
- 'bft-internationalization' to 'your-plugin'
- '$plugin_slug = "bft_pro"' to $plugin_slug = "your_plugin"
- 'bft_shortcode' to your_plugin_shortcode
- 'bft-shortcode' to your-plugin-shortcode
- Go to search and replace of your editor, active 'match case' and replace the words with the names and ids of your plugin:
- Description of Your Plugin
- https://yourfuturewebsite/your-plugin/
- https://yourfuturewebsite
- Plugin Author
- pluginauthor@email
- Your Plugin
- your_plugin
- Your_Plugin
- your-plugin
- Replace the icon for you own on wp-content/plugins/backend-frontend-template/admin/img/icon-16px.png
- /admin -> administration folder
- /includes -> global folder, for administration and plublic files
- /languages -> translation files, this binarian files are made with programs like Poedit
- /private -> for sensitive data that only a download script can send the file to the user
- /admin -> public folder
- /css -> CSS files
- /img -> images
- /js -> JavaScript files
- /lib -> library, the internal BFT files are stored here
- /partials -> frontend files
- /includes/class-your-plugin.txt -> main class of the plugin
- /includes/class-your-plugin-activator.php -> control when the plugin is activated
- /includes/class-your-plugin-deactivator.php -> control when the plugin is deactivated
- /includes/class-your-plugin-cronjobs.php -> control the cronjobs of the plugin
- /includes/class-your-plugin-install-upgrade-deinstall-database.php -> install and erase the plugin database
- /includes/class-your-plugin-functions-admin-public.php -> class with functions for admin and public classes, it's an extension of the BFT admin-public class
- /admin/class-your-plugin-admin.php -> class for the admin section, it's an extension of the BFT admin-public class, your admin-public class and BFT admin class
- /public/class-your-plugin-public.php -> class for the public section, it's an extension of the BFT admin-public class, your admin-public class and BFT public class
Edit your menu on the variable $this->admin_pages of the file admin/class-your-plugin-admin.php
Design a BFT menu look like this:
$this->admin_pages = [
"hello_world" => [
"page_title" => $this->__("Hello world page"),
"menu_title" => $this->__("Hello world"),
"file" => "your-plugin-admin-display-hello-world.php",
"blank_page" => [
"page_title" => $this->__("Blank page"),
"menu_title" => $this->__("Blank page"),
"file" => "bft-admin-display-blank-page-with-title.php",
$this->admin_pages can have all the pages you want, but in BFT the admin pages can't have children, that's only possible on Backend Frontend Template Pro
Note: the array data is expanded by the function $this->admin_pages_prepare(), if you make an $this->debug_log_write($this->admin_pages) on a page: you can see the actual state of the array on the WordPress Log
Explaining the WPTT menu:
1. Automatic parameters added to the array
* id: the array key
* More automatic parameters on BFT Pro
2. Parametters with default data if missing
* page_title: page title, default: $this->admin_pages_page_title_default
* menu_title: page tab title, default: $this->admin_pages_page_title_default
* menu_slug: page slug, default: key page. The menu slug will be changed to: $this->admin_pages_slug_name_prefix."_".menu_slug because it's needed a unique page name among the plugins
* tab_show: if false does not display the page tab, even if the page is selected, default: true
* function: the function for when a page is displayed, default: $this->admin_pages_function_default
* function_load: loads the function before a page is displayed,default: $this->admin_pages_function_load_default
* file: the admin/partials file that will be displayed, default: $this->admin_pages_file_default (If the file starts with 'bft-' the file will be loaded of the folder admin/lib/BFT/partials
* error_throw_what_do, it's used on error_throw, options: show_error: show the error (default option), show_error_and_die: show the error and stop the execution, go_to_parent: go to the parent page and anotes on the GET data the error (only works on BFT Pro and if $triggered_on_function_load = true, because on a normal WordPress function will cause the error: 'Cannot modify header information - headers already sent')
* error_throw_file_change: change the file option if error_throw_what_do is triggered, default: false
* capability, default: "manage_options", WordPress capabilities:
* More parameters on BFT Pro
3. Available functions out of the box (you can create whatever function you need)
* admin_menu_page_display: displays the page selected on 'file'
* More functions on BFT Pro
4. Functions load available out of the box (you can create whatever function you need)
* More functions load on BFT Pro
5. Optional parameters
* page_copy_of: copy the data of a page. Only copy the data not found on the page, neither copy id, is_child, page_parent, menu_slug and children
* More optional parameters on BFT Pro
6. Your own parameters
* You can create your own parameter, later on you can access to the info on a function or on a page with: $variable_name = $this->admin_pages_data_get("parametter_name");. And if you want you can retrieve the data of a certain page with $page_name, and retrieve all the array data with $key = false, $variable_name = $this->admin_pages_data_get($key = false, $page_name = NULL)
* You can set later your own parameter by code with: $this->admin_pages_data_set($key, $data, $page_name = NULL)
The log in WordPress is activated in wp-config.php, change:
define( 'WP_DEBUG', true );
define( 'WP_DEBUG_LOG', true );
Now you can check the log in wp-content/debug.log
For printing to the log you can use the WordPress function error_log($string_or_number), but with Backend Frontend Template you can use: $this->debug_log_write($whatever)
$this->debug_log_write() it's a better option because it shows:
'NULL' if its a NULL variable
'TRUE' and 'FALSE' if it's a boolean
print_r() if it's an array or object
Now you can print in the log whatever variable you want
Also BFT offers an alternative name for debug_log_write: $this->write_log()
Functions visibility
A quick summary for what visibility to use on the functions of your plugin:
Don't use private functions, BFT use inheritance on the classes and a private function can't inheritance
Ideal for the internal functions for security reasons, only your classes can use these functions
Some functions need to be public due to how WordPress works:
* Functions called via $this->admin_pages -> an_admin_page -> 'function_load' data
* Functions called via $this->admin_pages -> an_admin_page -> 'function' data
* Functions called via install, upgrade or uninstall
* Functions called via shortcodes
* Functions called via AJAX responses
The 'function_load' option of the menu is the function that the page executes before sending the HTML headers
By default all pages execute admin_permission_check_and_ids_required_check_function_load(), the executed function can be changed on
class-your-plugin-admin -> $this->admin_pages_function_load_default = "admin_permission_check_and_ids_required_check_function_load"
The function admin_permission_check_and_ids_required_check_function_load() checks if the admin capabilities are correct and if the id required data is not missing. In this function it works the 'go_to_parent' option of the menu (the id check only on Backend Frontend Template Pro)
This function can be called at the beginning of a custom function_load to check all before save changes
NOTE: id required data and go to parent are only BFT Pro options
The 'function' option of the menu is the main function that the page executes
By default all pages execute admin_permission_check_and_ids_required_and_optional_check_page_display(), the executed function can be changed on
class-your-plugin-admin -> $this->admin_pages_function_default = "admin_permission_check_and_ids_required_and_optional_check_page_display"
The function admin_permission_check_and_ids_required_and_optional_check_page_display() checks if the admin capabilities are correct and if the id required data is not missing
On a custom function there are functions for checking the access and to retrieve the ids:
* $this->admin_permission_check(): check the admin permissions and throw an error if needed. Recommended for use at the beginning of the function
* More functions on BFT Pro
Backend Frontend Template can easily show errors, and it doesn't repeat the same error on the same load. Also: the plugin title will be add to the message
* $this->error_show ($error_message = "") show an error message. If $error_message = "" it shows "Error detected"
* Adding error_message on the GET URL, the error message can be triggered with the functions $this->admin_permission_check() or $this->error_throw()
BFT can throw errors with
$this->error_throw ($error_message = "", $error_throw_what_do_use_this = NULL, $error_throw_file_change_use_this = NULL, $triggered_on_function_load = false, $page_id = NULL)
* $error_message: error to send to $this->error_show(), but first it will display the 'error_message' stored in the URL
* $error_throw_what_do_use_this: for use this data instead of $this->admin_pages_data_get("error_throw_what_do"), options: show_error, show_error_and_die, go_to_parent
* $error_throw_file_change_use_this: default NULL, use this data instead of $this->admin_pages_data_get("error_throw_file_change"), for change the file displayed if error triggered
* $triggered_on_function_load: default false, 'go_to_parent' only works if true == $triggered_on_function_load because it's needed do the redirect before sending the headers (id required data and go to parent are only BFT Pro options)
* $page_id: the key/page name, if null it's the visualized page
This page show an error with:
$error_message = $this->__("This is an error test");
$this->error_show ($error_message);
For specify a text that maybe needs translation, WordPress provides the functions:
* __('string', 'translation domain/plugin id'): for direct translation
* _e('string', 'translation domain/plugin id'): for direct translation and display the translated text
* esc_html_('string', 'translation domain/plugin id') for translation and escape the HTML characters
* esc_html_('string', 'translation domain/plugin id') for translation and escape the HTML characters
For more functions search on the WordPress documentation: [link here](
With that, WordPress will use a translation file if it exists and has that sentence, or a external plugin will be able to translate your plugin into the visitor language
BFT also provides the option of use its intermediary functions to avoid having to put the domain in every string prepared for a future translation. With ALL the WordPress translation functions
For that, call the function through '$this' and don't put the translation domain
* $this->__('string'): for direct translation
* $this->_e('string'): for direct translation and display the translated text
* $this->esc_html_('string') for translation and escape the HTML characters
* $this->esc_html_e('string') for translation, escape the HTML characters and display the resulting text
NOTE: the functions allow the domain field, if you put a domain then that domain will be use
The translation files are allocated in plugin_folder/languages, BFT automatically will set WordPress to search translations on that folder
The language files are:
* .pot: Portable Object Template, the master file with all the strings
* .po: Portable Object, the file with the strings translated to one language
* .mo: Portable Object, Machine Object, the compiled data of the .po file, WordPress use this file
Steps for translating a plugin:
- Create a new .pot file of your plugin
- Update/merge the original .pot with the new .pot file
- Delete the old .pot files and rename the new merged file if needed
- Prepare the .po language file 1. If it's a new translation language: duplicate the .pot file and change the name and extension to the designed language, like bft-pro - copy.pot to bft-pro-es.po or bft-pro-es_ES.po 2. If it's a existing translation language: update/merge the file with the new .pot file
- Translate the sentences of the .po file
- Create the .mo file from the .po file
To create and merge the files and translate the sentences you can use programs such as [Poedit]( or [EazyPo](
It's easy create an manage shotcodes with BFT:
The shortcodes on BFT are defined on public -> class-your-plugin-admin -> shortcodes_init_plugin()
The structure of a shortcode is:
add_shortcode("shortcode-name", array($this, "shortcode_function_name"));
The structure of a shortcode function is:
public function shortcode_function_name ( $atts = [], $content = null, $tag = '' ) {
The variables of the function are:
* $atts: array with all the data specified on the shortcode
* $content: the content within the two tags, if the shortcode uses a clossing tag
* $tag: the shotcode tag
A shortcode without data on $atts and $content
Shortcode with data on $atts and $content
[bft-shortcode-test atts_data_1="Lorem ipsum" atts_data_2="Dolor sit amet"]Content data[/bft-shortcode-test]
public function shortcodes_init_plugin() {
add_shortcode("bft-shortcode-test", array($this, "bft_shortcode_test"));
public function bft_shortcode_test( $atts = [], $content = null, $tag = '' ) {
$html_aux = "";
if (isset($atts["additional_text"])) {
$html_aux .= "<h4>".esc_html($atts["additional_text"])."</h4>";
if (!is_null($content)) {
$html_aux .= "<p>".esc_html($content)."<p>";
require plugin_dir_path( dirname( __FILE__ ) ) . "public/partials/your-plugin-shortcode-test.php";
$html = ob_get_clean();
return $html;
Create a page, insert a shortcode block and put:
[bft-shortcode-test additional_text="This is an additional text"]The text inside de tags[/bft-shortcode-test]
Backend Frontend Template provides several functions about languages:
Returns a language list
$languages_codes_names = [
'ab' => $this->__('Abkhazian'),
'aa' => $this->__('Afar'),
'af' => $this->__('Afrikaans'),
'ak' => $this->__('Akan'),
'sq' => $this->__('Albanian'),
'am' => $this->__('Amharic'),
Returns the data stored in the setting $this->option_field_get("languages")
Returns the data stored in the setting $this->option_field_get("language_admin") if exists in $this->option_field_get("languages")
If languages empty it will set the languages 'en' and 'es'
If language_admin empty or not found on languages, it will set the first language stored in languages
Backend Frontend Template provides several functions about countries:
Returns a country list
$countries_codes_names = [
'AF'=> $this->__('Afghanistan'),
'AX'=> $this->__('Aland Islands'),
'AL'=> $this->__('Albania'),
'DZ'=> $this->__('Algeria'),
'AS'=> $this->__('American Samoa'),
'AD'=> $this->__('Andorra'),
Returns the country name through the country code
Backend Frontend Template provides several functions about currencies:
Returns a currency list with all the data, including the numer of currency on the ISO 4217 standard
$currencies_name_and_symbol = [
'ARS' => [
'id' => 'ARS',
'name' => 'Argentina Peso',
'symbol' => '$',
'code' => '032',
'AWG' => [
'id' => 'AWG',
'name' => 'Aruba Guilder',
'symbol' => 'ƒ',
'code' => '533',
Returns a currency list
$currencies_name_and_symbol = [
'ALL' => 'L - Albania Lek',
'AFN' => '؋ Afghanistan Afghani',
'ARS' => '$ Argentina Peso',
'AWG' => 'ƒ Aruba Guilder',
Returns the currency symbol through the currency code
Returns the ISO 4217 number through the currency id
Select the entire plugin, give to find and replace, select Caps Match and Replace
- “only_on” by “only_in
- “admin_forms_relations_many_to_many” by “admin_forms_many_to_many_relationships
- “relation_many_to_many” by “many_to_many_relationship
- “aditional_text” by “additional_text
Backend Frontend Template is licensed under the GPL v3 or later
Backend Frontend Template uses the basic structure WordPress Plugin Boilerplate
You can save even more time with BFT Pro, upgrade now and you will be able to make submenus, automated or manual data lists, forms without coding, AJAX on the frontend and many more possibilities
Settings system by WP
Create, manage and store WordPress variables with setting pages, it's really easy
$this->admin_settings = [
"general" => [
"title" => $this->__("Test settings"),
"fields" => [
"text_test" => [
"title" => $this->__("Text input"),
"number_test" => [
"title" => $this->__("Number input"),
"args" => [
"type" => "number",
Automated data
Manage all the data only specifying the table and the fields. The table can have internationalized fields
$this->admin_forms = [
"courses" => [
"table" => $wpdb->prefix.$this->plugin_slug."_"."courses",
"column_key" => "id",
"column_title_name" => "name_i18n",
"i18n_foreign_key" => "course_id",
"columns" => [
$this->database_status_column_name => [
"label" => $this->database_status_column_text,
"type" => "select",
"options" => $this->database_status_options,
"id" => [
"label" => $this->__("Nº"),
"placeholder" => "",
"type" => "text",
"display_table" => true,
"readonly" => true,
$this->database_datetime_created_name => [
"label" => $this->database_datetime_created_text,
"placeholder" => "",
"type" => "datetime",
"display_table" => false,
"readonly" => true,
$this->database_datetime_modified_name => [
"label" => $this->database_datetime_modified_text,
"placeholder" => "",
"type" => "datetime",
"display_table" => false,
"readonly" => true,
"only_in_active" => true,
$this->database_datetime_removed_name => [
"label" => $this->database_datetime_removed_text,
"placeholder" => "",
"type" => "datetime",
"display_table" => true,
"readonly" => true,
"only_in_removed" => true,
"hours" => [
"label" => $this->__("Total hours of the course"),
"placeholder" => $this->__("Hours"),
"type" => "number",
"i18n" => false,
"readonly" => true,
"display_table" => true,
"name_i18n" => [
"label" => $this->__("Course name"),
"placeholder" => $this->__("Name"),
"type" => "text",
"i18n" => true,
"display_table" => true,
"image" => [
"label" => $this->__("Course logo"),
"placeholder" => $this->__("Image"),
"type" => "image",
"i18n" => true,
"display_table" => true,
Manual data
More functions to manage manually the database
$this->wpdb_get_results_array($query); //returns a two dimensional array with all the data
$this->wpdb_get_results_with_index($query); //returns a two dimensional array with all the data, the index of each row will be the first column data
$this->wpdb_get_results_one_data_per_row($query); //returns a mono dimensional array, only returns the first column of each row
$this->wpdb_get_results_index_and_data_per_row($query); //returns a mono dimensional array, the first column data will be the index, the second the data
$this->wpdb_get_result_one_data($query); //returns a string, only return the first column of the first row
$this->wpdb_insert_update_on_duplicate_key($table, $data, $multi_row = false, $modified_value = NULL, $data_for_update = array()); //insert or update multiple data, more explanation below (the function sanitizes the inputs)
$this->wpdb_insert_update_on_duplicate_key_delete_others($table, $data, $column_where_delete, $value_where_delete); //insert or update multiple data, then delete the non updated rows, more explanation below (the function sanitizes the inputs)
Listings by query
A WordPress paginated listing style thanks to a SQL query in pieces
$status_system = false,
$write_log_query = false
Listings by array
A WordPress listing style thanks to an array
$display_table_data = [
"data" => [
"id" => "1",
"name" => "Lorem Ipsum Name",
"columns" => [
"id" => "Nº",
"name" => "Name",
$args = [
"ids" => $ids,
"display_table" => true,
"display_table_data" => $display_table_data,
More functions and examples for the WordPress frontend, AJAX forms too
An static shortcode is cached by a cache system, but the AJAX responses are dynamic and the cache plugin doesn't interfere with the response
You can start now with the totally free version of this WordPress Plugin Template and later upgrade to BFT Pro
When you buy Backend Frontend Template Pro you will have two folders in the download, one folder has everything, a complete plugin, and the other folder only contains the new BFT Pro licensed files, so it will not replace any existing files
In addition, BFT checks if the BFT Pro folders exist, in which case it automatically loads the classes with the extra tools