private static final boolean RED = true;
private static final boolean BLACK = false;
class TreeNode{
private Key key;
private Value val;
private TreeNode left;
private TreeNode right;
private boolean color;
// ....... constructor ........
private boolean isRed(Node x){
if(x == null) return false;
return x.color == RED;
Observation. Search is the same as for elementary BST ( ignore color ).
public class redBlackTree {
public key search(TreeNode x, key key){
if(x == null) return null;
int cmp = (key).compareTo(x.key);
if( cmp < 0 ) x = x.left;
else if( cmp > 0 ) x = x.right;
else return x.key;
return null;
private TreeNode rotateLeft(TreeNode h)
assert isRed(h.right);
TreeNode x = h.right;
h.right = x.left;
x.left = h;
x.color = h.color;
h.color = RED;
return x;
Invariants: Maintains symmetric order and perfect black balance.
private TreeNode rotateRight(TreeNode h)
assert isRed(h.left);
TreeNode x = h.left;
h.left = x.right;
x.right = h;
x.color = h.color;
h.color = RED;
return x;
public void colorFlip(TreeNode h){
assert !isRed(h);
assert isRed(h.left);
assert isRed(h.right);
h.color = RED;
h.left.color = BLACK;
h.right.color = BLACK;
Basic Strategy: Maintain 1-1 correspondence with 2-3 trees by applying elementary red-black BST operations.
- Do standard BST insert; color new link red
- If new red link is a right link, rotate left.
Example: Insert ' C '
- Do standard BST insert; color new link red.
- Rotate to balance the 4-node ( if needed ).
- Flip colors to pass red link up one level.
- Rotate to make lean left (if needed).
Example: Inserting ' H '
- Do standard BST insert; color new link red.
- Rotate to balance the 4-node ( if needed ).
- Flip colors to pass red link up one level.
- Rotate to make lean left (if needed).
- Repeat case 1, case 2 ( if needed ).
private Node put(Node h, Key key, Value val)
// insert at bottom with color RED
if (h == null) return new Node(key, val, RED);
int cmp = key.compareTo(h.key);
if (cmp < 0) h.left = put(h.left, key, val);
else if (cmp > 0) h.right = put(h.right, key, val);
else if (cmp == 0) h.val = val;
//lean left
// Right child red, left child black: rotate left.
if (isRed(h.right) && !isRed(h.left)) h = rotateLeft(h);
// balance 4-node
// Left child, left-left grandchild red: rotate right.
if (isRed(h.left) && isRed(h.left.left)) h = rotateRight(h);
// split 4-node
// Both children red: flip colors.
if (isRed(h.left) && isRed(h.right)) flipColors(h);
return h;
Delete operations are bit complicated.