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Hexagonal architecture for AddressBook

Backend API application built using hexagonal architecture and implemented with Kotlin's ktor.

What tools/frameworks do we use?

and for testing:

and some other misc stuff:

  • ktlint for Kotlin checkstyle
  • jacoco for code coverage metrics




Docker is not required to run this code locally, but makes setup a little easier. We recommend installing it.


If you have a local PostgreSQL running on your computer - you are all set. If you don't have PostgreSQL installed, you can do it now by installing from: and set it up with user name and password that can later be used to configure.

Another option is to create a docker image with PostgreSQL database running:

$ docker run --name localpostgres -d -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgresspass postgres:alpine

This will create and run a local instance of PostgreSQL database with user name "postgres" and password "postgresspass".

Or use

$ docker start localpostgres

if localpostgres container was already created.

Make sure to create addrbook database in your PostgreSQL instance.

Run application locally

Run application with gradle

Application uses HOCON configuration files and some parameters rely on environment variable, so you need to setup them first:


  • Deployment target. Application can have multiple configurations (local, dev, sit, prod etc) and therefore multiple resource files, such as adapters/src/main/resources/config-local.conf (config-prod.conf etc) are available. Depending on a target specified in APP_DEPLOYMENT_ENV environment variable - different configuration files will be selected

      $ export APP_DEPLOYMENT_ENV=local
  • Application version:

      $ export APP_VERSION=0.1
  • Application build number:

      $ export APP_BUILD_NUMBER=1
  • PostgreSQL database username, password and connection URI:

      $ export APP_DB_USERNAME=postgres
      $ export APP_DB_PASSWORD=postgresspass
      $ export APP_DB_URI=jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/addrbook

Next step is to run application via gradle:

    ./gradlew build :app:run --args='-config=app/src/main/resources/application-dev.conf'

If you don't specify --args argument, then by default application.conf will be loaded. Both files are very similar, but application-dev.conf can contain some settings helpful during a development phase (e.g. auto-reload support).

Application exposes HTTP 8080 port for it's API.

Run application with IntelliJ

Import addrbook-hexagonal-ktor project into your IntelliJ IDE. Choose Run / Edit Configuration menu to create new launch configuration. On the left side click [+] and select Application. Name it API Server (or pick other name) and fill up some essential fields:

  • Main class: io.ktor.server.netty.EngineMain
  • VM options: -Dkotlinx.coroutines.debug
  • Program arguments: -config=app/src/main/resources/application-dev.conf
  • Environment variables: APP_DEPLOYMENT_ENV=local;APP_DB_USERNAME=postgres;APP_DB_PASSWORD=postgresspass;APP_DB_URI=jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/addrbook;APP_VERSION=0.1;APP_BUILD_NUMBER=1
  • Use classpath or module:

You should be able to run/debug your app now.

Run with Docker locally

Build an application first:

    $ ./gradlew build

Then upload and tag it in docker:

    $ docker build -t addrbook-api-server . 

Now you are ready to lunch it:

$ docker run -it \ 
    -e APP_DEPLOYMENT_ENV=local \
    -e APP_VERSION=0.1 \
    -e APP_DB_USERNAME=postgres \
    -e APP_DB_PASSWORD=postgresspass \
    -e APP_DB_URI=jdbc:postgresql://your-local-ip-address:5432/addrbook \
    -p 8080:8080
    --rm addrbook-api-server

Make sure to replace your-local-ip-address in APP_DB_URI in command above to an actual IP address of your machine that you can find with ifconfig or ipconfig shell commands (you cannot use localhost anymore, because localhost inside AddressBook application docker container will be pointing to that container instead of your host machine).

Generate coverage report

To generate a coverage report you must run:

$ ./gradlew clean jacocoFullReport

It will run unit tests and generate coverage report in HTML format into root project's directory: ./build/reports/jacoco/jacocoFullReport/html