Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/couchbaselabs/hotel-lister-cordova
Run the following commands in your Terminal.
cd modules/ROOT/examples/HotelLister npm install -g ionic cordova npm install
Run the application on the iOS or Android simulator. First, you can list available simulators with the following command.
ionic cordova emulate --list
Then, use the
option to specify the simulator to deploy the app to.ionic cordova emulate ios --target "iPhone-XR, 12.0" -- --buildFlag="-UseModernBuildSystem=0" # or ionic cordova emulate android
You should see the following appear on the simulator.
NoteOn iOS, you will need to download Couchbase Lite from couchbase.com/downloads and drag CouchbaseLiteSwift.framework to the Xcode project under platforms/ios/Frameworks.