This is set of useful c small functions many of them were asked in c related interviews
- flipSequence : print flip flop sequence like 22,3,22,3,22,3,22,3,.... and so on
- getFibonaci : generate nth a fibonaci sequence
- printFibionaci : print n fibonaci sequence
- getPower : calcuate power on number ,regarding negative exponent
- echoReverse : print characters in reverse order after new line '\n'
- dec2bin : convert decimal to binary
- swapXor : swap two numbers using xor
- swapAS : swap two numbers using addition and subtraction
- swapTemp : swap two numbers using temporary variable
- printArr : print content of an array of int
- reverseArr : reverse content of an array of int
- getMin : get minimum value in an array of int
- getMax : get maximum value in an array of int
- drawTri1 : draw triangle in console like right arrow head
- drawTri2 : draw triangle in console like up arrow head
- printArrWR : print content of an array of int without repeat [1,1,2,3,2,2,3,4] => [1,2,3,4]
- fact : calculate factorial of number
- isArrMirrored : check if array is mirrored or not
- countOnes : count ones in binary representation of decimal number
- little2big : convert little indian to big indian 0xffaabbcc => 0xccbbaaff
I would also gladly welcome your questions and contributions.
you are welcome to contact me at
Have fun!
Mohamed Hussein.