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The module contains code for representing and using Event-stream datasets, designed for three applications, in priority order:

  1. For use in generative point-processes / generative sequence models in PyTorch using EventStream.transformer
  2. For general PyTorch deep-learning applications and models.
  3. For general modeling and data analysis.

There are several classes and functions in this module that may be useful, which we document below.

Overall Data Model

The overall data model for the Event Stream GPT package is shown visually below:

Overall Data Model Figure: Event Stream GPT's end-to-end data pipeline, which spans raw data extraction from source all the way to production of a PyTorch dataset and pre-built embedder suitable for use in any deep learning pipeline. (a) An example of our data modality; for a single subject $\vec S_1$, the data consists of a series of events at continuous timestamps $\vec e_1, \vec e_2, \ldots$ (such as medical visits), with each event being composed of inter-related internal covariate measurements $\vec m_1, \vec m_2, \ldots$ (such as laboratory test results, medication perscripts, infusions, etc.). (b) These data elements can be distributed among many input data sources in raw form. From a simple YAML configuration file, \pkgAbbr can extract these data elements from source and compile them into an internal data model consisting of three key dataframes: subjects_df for static data, events_df containing event timestamps and types per subject, and dynamic_measurements_df, storing all observed measurements. (c) ESGPT pre-processes these data-frames across several critical axes, doing so efficiently through the use of the Polars library. (d) ESGPT produces a PyTorch dataset which yields batches whose size scales with the number of observed data element per event, not with the input vocabulary size. (e) ESGPT provides a default embedding layer capable of embedding these sparse batches efficiently.

We assume any "event stream dataset" consists of 3 fundamental data units:

  1. Subjects, who can have many events or measurements, and are identified uniquely by subject_id.
  2. Events, which occur in a continuous-time manner and can have many measurements, but uniquely belong to a single subject, and are identified uniquely by event_id and are characterized by a categorical event_type.
  3. Measurements, which can be either static (and linked to subjects), dynamic (and linked to events), or can be pre-specified, fixed functions of static variables and time, and can be computed in the system on the fly from a functional form. In terms of a data model, however, as these are only dependent on time, such a measurement can only take on a single value per event. Measurements are characterized by many properties and can be pre-processed automatically by the system in several ways.

This data model is realized explicitly in the internal structure of the class, documented below. Note that there is both an class which contains pre-processing logic that does not rely on the internal data representation library, and specific classes for different internal data representation libraries. For now, this solely includes, which uses the library Polars as its internal library.

The class also can produce fully cached deep-learning friendly dataframes for its various splits and store these to files. These are then used with the associated classes for deep learning applications, where the representations can be translated to pytorch embedding to one in which data are presented to models in a sparse, fully-temporally realized format which should be more efficient computationally than a dense format and based on existing literature is likely to be a high-performance style of data embedding overall (at least with respect to the per-timestamp data embedding practices).

The deep-learning friendly representation strategy simplifies the column layout significantly, storing only the following data:

  1. subject_id, which is the identifier for the subject.
  2. start_time, which is the start timestamp for the subjects overall record.
  3. static_indices, which contains a list of integral indices in a unified overall vocabulary for all static variables that are observed for the subject. This list may be of different lengths for different subjects, and its order is not guaranteed to be meaningful or consistent.
  4. static_measurement_indices, which contains a list of the integral indices of the measures that are reflected in the static_indices column. It is guaranteed to be consistently ordered and of the same length with static_indices.
  5. time, which contains a list of the time in minutes since the start time of the event in question.
  6. dynamic_indices, which contains a list of lists, where the outer list is of the same length as the list in the time column with one entry per event for the subject, and the inner list contains the indices in the unified vocabulary of all specific dynamic measurements observed at that event.
  7. dynamic_measurement_indices, which is of the same (ragged) shape as dynamic_indices and contains the indices of the measures that correspond to the measurement observations in dynamic_indices.
  8. dynamic_values, which is of the same (ragged) shape as dynamic_indices and contains any unique numerical values associated with those measurements. Items may be missing (reflected with None or np.NaN, depending on the data library format) or may have been filtered out as outliers (reflected with np.NaN).


Measurements are identified uniquely by a single column name or, in the context of a multivariate regression measurement, by a pair of column names defining the keys and values, respectively. Ultimately, these names are linked to columns in various internal dataframes. Measurements can be broken down into several categories along different axes:


As stated above, measurements can take on one of the following three modes relating to how they vary in time:

  1. STATIC: in which case they are unchanging and can be linked uniquely to a subject.
  2. FUNCTIONAL_TIME_DEPENDENT: in which case they can be specified in functional form dependent only on static subject data and/or a continuous timestamp.
  3. DYNAMIC: in which case they are time-varying, but the manner of this variation cannot be specified in a static functional form as in the case of FUNCTIONAL_TIME_DEPENDENT. Accordingly, these measurements are linked to events in a many to one fashion and are identified via a separate, metadata_id identifier.

Measurement Observation Data Modality

Measurements can also vary in what modality (e.g., continuous/numeric valued, categorical, etc.) their observations are. These definitions of modality are both motivated by three things:

  1. How we need to pre-process the data (e.g., categorical metadata need to be mapped to a vocabulary, and continuous metadata need to undergo outlier detection and normalization).
  2. How we should embed the data for deep-learning applications (e.g., we need to use embedding matrices for categorical values and multiply by continuous values for numerical values).
  3. How one would go about generating such data within a generative model (e.g., is this measurement a multi-label or single-label categorical value per event? Is it a partially or fully observed regression task? etc.).

In particular, we recognize the following kinds of measurement modalities currently:

  1. SINGLE_LABEL_CLASSIFICATION: In this case, the measure is assumed to take on a unique label from a static collection of options, and to only be observed once per event/subject at maximum.
  2. MULTI_LABEL_CLASSIFICATION: In this case, the measure is assumed to take on zero or more unique labels from a static collection of options per event. Currently, this modality is only supported on DYNAMIC measurements.
  3. MULTIVARIATE_REGRESSION: In this case, the measure is assumed to be presented in a sparse, multivariate format via key-value pairs, where the keys correspond to the dimensions of the multivariate regression problem and the values the values observed. This keys for this measure are assumed to be observed in a multilabel manner per event (this modality is currently only supported for DYNAMIC measurements), with the values then being observed in a continuous sense conditional on keys being measured for that event.
  4. UNIVARIATE_REGRESSION: In this case, the measure is assumed to contain only a single continuous value, which may or may not be fully observed. This modality is only currently supported for STATIC OR FUNCTIONAL_TIME_DEPENDENT measurements.

Numerical measurements may also be associated with measurement metadata, represented via pandas dataframes or series describing the measure, including things such as units, outlier/censoring bounds, and (after pre-processing) outlier detection models or normalizers that have been fit on the training data.

Numerical measurements, during pre-processing, may have their values (in a key-dependent manner, in the case of MULTIVARIATE_REGRESSION measurements) be further subtyped into the following categories, which dictate the pre-processing of those values:

  1. INTEGER: the observed values will be converted to integers.
  2. FLOAT: the observed values will remain as floating point values.
  3. CATEGORICAL_INTEGER: the observed values will be converted to integers, then normalized into a set of categories on the basis of the values observed.
  4. CATEGORICAL_FLOAT: the observed values will be normalized into a set of categories on the basis of the values observed.

Configuration: MeasurementConfig

Measurements can be configured via the MeasurementConfig object (inside At initialization, this configuration object defines the metrics an object should pre-process for modelling use, but it also is filled during pre-processing with information about that measurement in the data.

A subset of notable fields include:

  1. contains the name of the measurement, and links to columns in the data. This does not need to be set manually in practice; it will be filled on the basis of how the measurement config is stored inside the broader
  2. modality tracks the observation modalities discussed above, and temporality the temporality modes discussed above. Both use StrEnums for storage, which means in practice either their enum forms (e.g., DataModality.UNIVARIATE_REGRESSION) or lowercase strings of the enum variable name (e.g., 'univariate_regression') can be used.
  3. For numerical measurements, values_column stores the associated values for a key-value paired MULTIVARIATE_REGRESSION measurement (with the keys stored in the column of the same name as name) and measurement_metadata stores associated metadata about the measurement, such as units, outlier detection models, etc.
  4. For FUNCTIONAL_TIME_DEPENDENT models, functor stores the function (stored as an object that is translatable to a plain-old-data dictionary and vice-versa) that is used to compute the column value from the static data and the timestamps. While user-defined functors can be used (though to do so they must be added to the MeasurementConfig.FUNCTORS class dictionary), currently, only two functors are pre-built for use: 1. AgeFunctor, which takes as input a "date of birth" column name within the static data and computes the difference, in units of 365 days, between the event timestamps and that subject's date of birth. 2. TimeOfDayFunctor, which takes no inputs and returns a string categorizing the time of day of the event timestamp into one of 4 buckets.
  5. For all measures except for UNIVARIATE_REGRESSION measurements, the vocabulary member stores a Vocabulary object which maintains a vocabulary of the observed categorical values (or keys for MULTIVARIATE_REGRESSION metrics) that have been observed. All vocabularies begin with an UNK token and subsequently proceed in descending order of observation frequency. Observation frequency is also stored, and vocabularies can be filtered to only elements occurring sufficiently frequently via a function and "idxmaps" (maps from vocabulary elements to their integer index) are also available via an accessor. These can be built from observations during pre-processing dynamically.
  6. observation_rate_over_cases stores how frequently that measurement was observed with a non-null value (or a non-null key in the case of MULTIVARIATE_REGRESSION measurements) among all possible instances it could have been observed (e.g., all possible subjects for STATIC measurements or otherwise all possible events).
  7. observation_rate_per_case stores how many times that measurement was observed with a non-null value (or a non-null key in the case of MULTIVARIATE_REGRESSION measurements) per possible instance where it was observed at all (e.g., all possible subjects with an observation of the measure for STATIC measurements or all possible events with an observation of the measure).

This configuration file is readable from and writable to JSON files. Full details of the options for this configuration object can be found in its source documentation.

This class stores an event stream dataset and performs pre-processing as dictated by a configuration object.

Configuration via

This configuration object stores three classes of parameters:

  1. A dictionary from column names to MeasurementConfig objects. At initialization, the names of the configuration objects are set to be equal to the keys in this dictionary.
  2. A variety of preprocessing simple parameters, which dictate things like how frequently a measurement must be observed to be included in the training dataset, vocabulary element cutoffs, numerical to categorical value conversion parameters, etc.
  3. Two dictionaries thad define what class should be used and how that class should be parametrized for performing outlier detection and normalization. These configuration dictionaries, if specified, must contain a 'cls' key which further must link to an option in the class dictionary.

This configuration file is readable from and writable to JSON files. Full details of the options for this configuration object can be found in its source documentation.


One can construct an by passing a configuration object and a subjects_df, an events_df, and a measurements_df. There are several mandatory columns for each dataframe, which can be found in the source documentation.

Alternatively, one can leverage the scripts/build\ to extract a raw dataset and build it from the undrerlying data source.

Saving / Loading can be efficiently saved and loaded to disk via the instance method save and class method load, both of which use a pathlib.Path object pointing to a directory in which the dataset should be saved / loaded. For save, this directory is not passed as a parameter, but is specified in the configuration object for the instance. For loading, it is passed as a parameter to the function. For saving (loading) the dataset will write (read) a number of files and subdirectories to (from) that passed directory. Dataframes are stored in a user-specifiable format via a class variable, but for the only current class, the Polars version, we recommend using the parquet format and it is the only format supported out of the box. The also saves a vocabulary configuration object to JSON and stores its other attributes via a pickled file produced via dill.

Upon saving, the Dataset object will write a number of files to disk, including a JSON version of the internal config object, separate files for each of the three internal dataframes (subjects_df, events_df, and dynamic_measurements_df), and a separate file for the inferred, pre-processed measurement configuration objects, in JSON format. Depending on the measurements in question, there may be further files written to disk containing data-frame versions of the pre-processed, key-specific measurement metadata (e.g., inferred outlier parameters, etc.) These policies allow the loading to be very fast, with nested objects instead lazily loaded upon first access by the user.

Pre-processing Data Capabilities

This dataset can pre-process the code in several key ways, listed and described below.

Data splitting

The system can automatically split the underlying data by subject into random subsets (in a seedable manner) via user-specified ratios. These splits can be named, and if three splits are provided (or two splits whose ratios do not sum to one, in which case a third is inferred, the names 'train', 'tuning', and 'held_out' are inferred for the passed ratios in that order. These three names are special, and sentinel accessors exist in the code to extract only events in the training set, etc.

Note that the seeds used for this function, and seeds used anywhere throughout this code, are stored within the object, even if not specified by the user, so calculations can always be re-covered stably.

Pre-process numerical data elements

The system can automatically filter out and/or censor outliers based on pre-specified cutoff values per data column and key identifier, fit learned outlier detection models over the data, and fit normalizer models over the data. It also can recognize when numerical data actually looks like it should be treated as a one-hot categorical data element.

This applies both to static and dynamic data elements.

Currently, the only supported outlier detection model is a standard-deviation cutoff algorithm, which filters out elements that are more than a fixed number of standard deviations away from the mean. The only currently supported normalizer model is a standard scaler model which centers data to have zero mean and scales it to have unit variance. More models are in progress, and we always welcome further contributions.

Pre-process categorical data elements

The system can fit vocabularies to categorical columns and filter out elements that happen insufficiently frequently.

This applies both to static and dynamic data elements.

Pre-compute and pre-process strictly time-dependent feature functions

Some features are dynamic, but rather than being dictated by events in the data, they are determined on the basis of a priori, known functions whose sole input is the time of the event. Some examples of this include the time-of-day of the event (e.g., morning, evening, etc.), the subject's age as of the event, etc.

The system contained here can pre-compute these time-dependent feature values, then apply the same pre-processing capabilities to the appropriate column types to the results.

Re-organize the final, transformed datasets to produce a DL friendly view

As discussed above, the datasets can also be massaged into a format more suitable for deep-learning.

Internal Storage

This dataframe stores the subjects that make up the data. It has a subject per row and has the following mandatory schema elements:

  • A unique, integer index named subject_id.

It may have additional, user-defined schema elements that can be leveraged during dataset pre-processing for use in modelling. After transformation, column types will have been compressed to save memory.

This dataframe stores the events that make up the data. It has an event per row and has the following schema elements:

  • A unique, integer index named event_id.
  • An integer column subject_id which is joinable against subjects_df.index and indicates to which subject a row's event corresponds. Many events may link to a single subject.
  • A datetime column timestamp which tracks the time of the row's event.
  • A categorical column event_type which indicates what type of event the row's event is.

This dataframe stores the metadata elements that describe each event in the data. It has a metadata element per row and has the following mandatory schema elements:

  • A unique, integer index named measurement_id
  • An integer column event_id, which is joinable against events_df.index and indicates to which event a the row's metadata element corresponds. Many metadata elements may link to a single event.
  • An integer column subject_id which is joinable against subjects_df.index and indicates to which subject the row's metadata element corresponds. Many metadata elements may link to a single subject. Must be consistent with the implied index through event_id, but is pre-written for efficient downstream selection operations.
  • A string column event_type which indicates to which type of event the row's metadata element corresponds. Must be consistent with the implied mapping through event_id, but is pre-written for efficient downstream selection operations.

It may have additional, user-defined schema elements that can be leveraged during dataset pre-processing for use in modelling.

This class reads the DL-friendly representation from disk produced by an object, as well as the vocabulary config object saved to disk from that dataset, and produces pytorch items and collates batches for downstream use. There are three relevant data structures to understand here:

  1. That of how internal indexing and labels are specifiable for sequence classification applications.
  2. That of individual items returned from __getitem__
  3. That of batches produced by class instance's collate function.

Task specification

When constructed by default, an takes only an object, a data split (e.g., 'train', 'tuning', or 'held_out'), and a very lightweight configuration object with pytorch specific options. In this mode, it will have length given by the number of subjects in the and will produce batches suitable for embedding and downstream modelling over randomly chosen sub-sequences within each subject's data capped at the config-specified maximum sequence length. This mode is useful for generative sequence modelling, but less so for supervised learning, in which we need finer control over the subjects, ranges, and labels returned from this class.

For these use cases, users can also specify a task_df object at construction of this dataset. This dataframe must contain a subject_id column, a start_time column, and an end_time column. These define the cohort and time-ranges over which this dataset will operate (limited to the associated split, of course), such that the pytorch dataset will have length equal to the subset of task_df that represents the specified split (even if subjects are repeated within task_df).

task_df may additionally have zero or more task label columns. The dataset will do minor pre-processing on these columns for use, including inferring vocabularies for categorical or integral valued columns, such that variables can be automatically filled on model configuration objects based on dataset specification.

Per-item representation

The __getitem__(i) method, which returns the data element for patient i, returns dictionaries as follows. Let us define the following variables:

  • Let L denote the sequence length for patient i.
  • Let K denote the number of static data elements observed for patient i.
  • Let M[j] denote the number of per-event data elements observed for patient i, event j.
  # Control variables
  # These aren't used directly in actual computation, but rather are used to define losses, positional
  # embeddings, dependency graph positions, etc.
  'time_delta': [L],

  # Static Embedding Variables
  # These variables are static --- they are constant throughout the entire sequence of events.
  'static_indices': [K],
  'static_measurement_indices': [K],

  # Dynamic Embedding Variables
  # These variables are dynamic --- each event `j` has different values.
  'dynamic_indices': [L X M[j]], # (ragged)
  'dynamic_values': [L X M[j]], # (ragged)
  'dynamic_measurement_indices': [L X M[j]], # (ragged)

static_data_values and data_values in the above dictionary may contain np.NaN entries where values were not observed with a given data element. All other data elements are fully observed. The elements correspond to the following kinds of features:

  • 'static_*' corresponds to features of the subject that are static over the duration of the sequence. E.g., in a medical dataset, a patient's polygenic risk score is unchanging throughout their life.
  • 'time_delta' corresponds to the number of minutes until the next event in the sequence.
  • 'dynamic_*' corresponds to event specific metadata elements describing each sequence event.
  • '*_indices' corresponds to the categorical index of the data element. E.g., in a medical dataset, the index of a particular laboratory test.
  • '*_values' corresponds to the numerical value associated with a data element. E.g., in a medical context, the value observed in a particular laboratory test.
  • '*_measurement_indices' corresponds to the identity of the governing measurement for a particular data element. E.g., in a medical dataset, this indicates that a data element is a laboratory test measurement at all.

If a task_df with associated task labels were also specified, then there will also be an entry in the output dictionary per task label containing the task's label for that row in the dataframe as a single-element list.

Batch representation:

The collate function takes a list of per-item representation and returns a batch representation. This final batch representation can be accessed like a dictionary, but it is also a object stored in of class It has some additional properties that can be useful, such as batch_size, sequence_length, and n_data_elements.

The batch representation has the following structure. Let us define the following variables:

  • B is the batch size.
  • L is the per-batch maximum sequence length.
  • M is the per-batch maximum number of data elements per event.
  • K is the per-batch maximum number of static data elements.**{
  # Control variables
  # These aren't used directly in actual computation, but rather are used to define losses, positional
  # embeddings, dependency graph positions, etc.
  'time_delta': [B X L], # (FloatTensor)
  'event_mask': [B X L], # (BoolTensor, capturing whether an event was observed at an index)
  'dynamic_values_mask': [B X L X M], # (BoolTensor, indicates whether a dynamic value was observed)

  # Static Embedding Variables
  # These variables are static --- they are constant throughout the entire sequence of events.
  'static_indices': [B X K], # (LongTensor, 0 <=> no static data element was observed)
  'static_measurement_indices': [B X K], # (FloatTensor, 0 <= no static data element was observed)

  # Dynamic Embedding Variables
  # These variables are dynamic per-event.
  'dynamic_indices': [B X L X M], # (LongTensor, 0 <=> no dynamic data element was observed)
  'dynamic_values': [B X L X M], # (FloatTensor, 0 <= no dynamic data element was observed)
  'dynamic_measurement_indices': [B X L X M], # (LongTensor, 0 <=> no data element was observed

If a task_df with associated task labels were also specified, then there will also be a dictionary at key stream_labels within this output batch object that has keys given by task names and values given by collated tensors of those task labels.

Data Embedding: DataEmbeddingLayer

Once data are collated into a batch, they need to be usable in a pytorch deep learning model. Ultimately, any functional embedding strategy will produce a view that contains a fixed size representation of each event in the sequence, with static data embedded either separately or combined with sequence elements in some form.

We have a module, DataEmbeddingLayer, which manages this process for you in a computationally efficient and performant manner. It currently supports several embedding modes.

  1. Numerical and categorical embeddings can be computed via separate embedding matrices of differing dimensions, prior to being combined via projection layers and summed together in a weighted, normalized fashion.
  2. Static data and dynamic data can both be embedded, and combined either via summation across all events, concatenation across all events, or by prepending static embeddings to the beginning of each event sequence.
  3. Data can be embedded across all measurement types in a single output, or split into differing groups per measurement type and embedded separately per group, concatenated into a new dimension after the sequence dimension of the input tensors.