IMPORTANT: Students/Advisors must keep the page up-to-date, i.e., they should add an entry before finalizing the registration process and delete the entry after finalizing their research work.
Type of research work:
- BA: BSc thesis
- MA: MSc thesis
- GR: Guided Research
- IDP: Interdisciplinary Project
Student | Title | Type | Advisors | Start date | End date |
Alp Berkman | Automated Test Case Generation for Emulators using Symbolic Execution | BA | (Theofilos Augoustis), Sebastian Reimers | 15.11.2023 | 15.03.2024 |
Moritz Beckel | Analysis of a secure, performant Confidential Virtual Machine Storage Stack | BA | (Robert Schambach), Masanori Misono | 15.12.2023 | 15.04.2024 |
Nicola Crivellin | Execution State Comparison for Emulators using Symbolic Execution | MA | (Theofilos Augoustis), Sebastian Reimers | 15.11.2023 | 15.05.2024 |
Martin Lamback | Utilizing dynamic partial reconfiguration in an FPGA-accelerated FaaS architecture | MA | Charalampos Mainas, Atsushi Koshiba | 15.01.2024 | 15.07.2024 |
Christian Sandu | Hardware assisted memory safety for databases | MA | Ilya Meignan--Masson | 15.03.2024 | 15.09.2024 |
Simon Dittrich | Automated Simulation of Hierarchical Cache Coherence for CXL | MA | Anatole Lefort | 15.03.2024 | 15.09.2024 |
Wonkeun Choi (Anders) | MLIR Quantum Dialect for Superconducting Technology | GR | Francisco Romão | 15.04.2024 | 15.09.2024 |
Paul Zhang | Network Function Virtualization in Unikernels using eBPF | BA | Masanori Misono, Ilya Meignan--Masson | 15.05.2024 | 15.09.2024 |
Milen Vitanov | Serverless Data-Processing in Unikernels using eBPF | MA | Masanori Misono, Ilya Meignan--Masson | 15.05.2024 | 15.11.2024 |