This is a forked version of Makio135 WEB MIDI interface for Akai's LPD8 Controller and adapted for Akai's MPD218 controller
Disposition of controllers:
K1 K2 PAD13 PAD14 PAD15 PAD16
K3 K4 PAD9 PAD10 PAD11 PAD12
On PROG 1:
Pads PAD1 -> PAD16: {
command: 137 'note off' / 153 'note on',
pad bank 1: 36 -> 51,
pad bank 2: 52 -> 67,
pad bank 3: 68 -> 83,
velocity: 0 -> 127
Sliders K1 -> K6: {
command: 176 'continuous controller',
(bank1) (bank2) (bank3)
K1: 3 : 16 : 22
K2: 9 : 17 : 27
K3: 12 : 18 : 28
K4: 13 : 19 : 29
velocity: 0 -> 127
The Akai LPD8 is a nice yet not too pricey USB MIDI controller, providing 8 pads and 8 knobs.
akai-lpd8 is an npm package for using Web MIDI with such a MIDI controller offering a simple interface to access each pads and knobs:
npm i akai-lpd8
const AkaiLPD8 = require('akai-lpd8')
// or include <script src=""></script>
const LPD8 = new AkaiLPD8()
.then(() => {
LPD8.K1.on('change', vel => console.log({vel}))
LPD8.PAD5.noteOn(vel => console.log({vel}))
.catch(error => console.error({ error }))
Optionally, you can pass an object with a log
property to get logs in the console
const LPD8 = new AkaiLPD8({log: true})
Once initialized, we can access our controls using their names:
console.log(LPD8.K1.type, LPD8.K2.command)
background(LPD8.K3.velocity, LPD8.PAD1.velocity, LPD8.PAD2.velocity)
And use events:
LPD8.K4.on('change', velocity => console.log(velocity))
Events callback are passed velocity as argument.
Valid events are:
- change: fired when a control sends a new message. (for all controls)
- noteOn: fired when a pad fires a noteOn message. (for pads only)
- noteOff: fired when a pad fires a noteOff message. (for pads only)
You can also use shorthands:
LPD8.K5.change(velocity => console.log(velocity))
LPD8.PAD3.noteOn(velocity => console.log(velocity))
LPD8.PAD4.noteOff(velocity => console.log(velocity))
methods are only available for pads.
- AkaiLPD8 class should extend MIDIInput
- use of static method to find LPD8 devices
- constructor could take a MIDIInput as argument