Excel Validator is used to validate different constraints of excel column through a Validation rules stored in YAML files.
constraints to be checked : - Base Validator - Choice Validator - Condition Validator - Country Validator - DateTime Validator - Email Validator - Excel Date Validator - Length Validator - NotBlank Validator - Regex Validator - Type Validator
- Python 3
- All necessary python libraries are listed in requirements.txt
$ python excel_validator.py -h
usage: excel_validator.py [-h] [--errors errors] config file sheetName tmpDir
Mark validation errors in Excel sheet.
positional arguments:
config Path to YAML config file
file Path to excel sheet file
sheetName Excel Sheet Name
tmpDir Temporary directory path
optional arguments:
-h, --help Print help description
--errors Print errors messages without generating excel file with errors
--no-file-size-limit Switch off file size limit. Use with care
usage for example/excel.xlsx file
/PATH/excel_validator>python excel_validator.py "example/example.yml" /PATH/excel.xlsx "Example" "/tmp" --errors=true
Get validation config example/example.yml
Validate Excel Sheet Example
Parse Excel file
Processing |################################| 5/5
Found 22 error(s)
Processing |# | 1/22Broken Excel cell: C2
Processing |## | 2/22Broken Excel cell: F2
Processing |#### | 3/22Broken Excel cell: H2
Processing |##### | 4/22Broken Excel cell: M2
Processing |####### | 5/22Broken Excel cell: A3
Processing |######## | 6/22Broken Excel cell: D3
Processing |########## | 7/22Broken Excel cell: F3
Processing |########### | 8/22Broken Excel cell: G3
Processing |############# | 9/22Broken Excel cell: H3
Processing |############## | 10/22Broken Excel cell: I3
Processing |################ | 11/22Broken Excel cell: K3
Processing |################# | 12/22Broken Excel cell: M3
Processing |################## | 13/22Broken Excel cell: A4
Processing |#################### | 14/22Broken Excel cell: E4
Processing |##################### | 15/22Broken Excel cell: F4
Processing |####################### | 16/22Broken Excel cell: H4
Processing |######################## | 17/22Broken Excel cell: K4
Processing |########################## | 18/22Broken Excel cell: M4
Processing |########################### | 19/22Broken Excel cell: A5
Processing |############################# | 20/22Broken Excel cell: B5
Processing |############################## | 21/22Broken Excel cell: J5
Processing |################################| 22/22Broken Excel cell: M5
[[Save file: /tmp/errors_2017-04-25_1493102119_excel.xlsx]]
Validation errors store in: [[/tmp/errors_2017-04-25_1493102119_excel.xlsx]]
Press any key to continue . . .
validate.bat contains example usage (same as in this documentation) of script. In Windows you can Drag & Drop Excel file on validate.bat script and it should execute validation. Of course you should change content of this file according to your needs.