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Rajawali has a material builder system which allows for the easy application of many common material types and attributes. The various combinations of all of these effects are too numerous to demonstrate, but below are several effects which can be accomplished using the material builder system. For more tailored effects, you can always load your own GLSL. This is demoed in an advanced tutorial.

Creating a color material without using lighting

Unlit Material

No lights, no textures, just a color.

Material material = new Material();
// or

Creating a color material with diffuse lighting

Material with diffuse lighting

Using a light, a color and the Lambertian diffuse model.

Material material = new Material();
material.setDiffuseMethod(new DiffuseMethod.Lambert());

Creating a color material with diffuse lighting and specular highlights

Material with diffuse lighting and specular highlights

Using a light source, a color, Lambertian diffuse model and Phong specular highlights.

Material material = new Material();
material.setDiffuseMethod(new DiffuseMethod.Lambert());
material.setSpecularMethod(new SpecularMethod.Phong());

Using a diffuse texture

Diffuse texture

No lights, just a single diffuse texture.

Material material = new Material();
// -- The first parameter is compulsory and needs to be unique and
//    has the same restrictions as any Java variable.
material.addTexture(new Texture("earth", R.drawable.earth_diffuse));

Mixing diffuse texture with color

Diffuse texture mixed with a color

50% diffuse texture, 50% blue color

Material material = new Material();
Texture texture = new Texture("earth", R.drawable.jettexture);
// -- Use 50% of the texture
// -- Use 50% blue

Using a diffuse texture with diffuse lighting and specular highlights

Texture with diffuse lighting and specular highlights

Texture, Lambertian diffuse method, Phong specular highlights.

Material material = new Material();
material.addTexture(new Texture("earth", R.drawable.earth_diffuse));
material.setDiffuseMethod(new DiffuseMethod.Lambert());
material.setSpecularMethod(new SpecularMethod.Phong());

Mixing two diffuse textures

Mixing two textures

Mixing two textures, 50% influence each.

Material material = new Material();
Texture texture1 = new Texture("earth", R.drawable.earth_diffuse);
// -- Use 50% of this texure
Texture texture2 = new Texture("manila", R.drawable.manila_sphere_map);
// -- Use 50% of this texture

Using a normal map

Using a normal map

A diffuse texture, a normal map texture, Lambertian diffuse method and Phong specular highlights.

Material material = new Material();
material.addTexture(new Texture("earth", R.drawable.earth_diffuse));
material.addTexture(new NormalMapTexture("earthNormal", R.drawable.earth_normal));
// -- Note that you can also set the normal map's strength through the setInfluence(float) setter
material.setDiffuseMethod(new DiffuseMethod.Lambert());
material.setSpecularMethod(new SpecularMethod.Phong(0xeeeeee, 200));

Repeating textures

Texture repeating

Repeating a texture 4 times in the U/X direction and 4 times in the V/Y direction.

Material material = new Material();
Texture texture = new Texture("earth", R.drawable.de_leckere);
// -- Repeat 4 times in the U/X direction and 4 times in the V/Y direction
texture.setRepeat(4, 4);

Texture offset

Texture offset

Set the texture offsets in the U/X directions and V/Y directions. These are normalized coordinates so they represent a 50% shift in the U/X direction and a 30% shift in the V/Y direction.

Material material = new Material();
Texture texture = new Texture("earth", R.drawable.earth_diffuse);
// -- This has to be set explicitly because of shader optimization considerations
// -- Set the offsets in the U/X directions and V/Y directions. These are normalized coordinates so
//    they represent a 50% shift in the U/X direction and a 30% shift in the V/Y direction.
texture.setOffset(.5f, .3f);
// -- Note that the offset can be animated by changing the values on each frame in the onDrawFrame()
//    method in your renderer class.

Environment Cube Map

Environment cube map

This requires six textures. Use a sphere map if your resources are limited.

Material material = new Material();
int[] cubemaps = new int[6];
cubemaps[0] = R.drawable.posx;
cubemaps[1] = R.drawable.negx;
cubemaps[2] = R.drawable.posy;
cubemaps[3] = R.drawable.negy;
cubemaps[4] = R.drawable.posz;
cubemaps[5] = R.drawable.negz;
CubeMapTexture texture = new CubeMapTexture("cubemaps", cubemaps);

Environment Sphere Map

Environment sphere map

Material material = new Material();
SphereMapTexture texture = new SphereMapTexture("sphereMap", R.drawable.sphere_map);

Environment Sphere Map Combined With Color and a Diffuse Texture

Sphere map with color & texture

Material material = new Material();
// -- use 30% plain orange color

SphereMapTexture sphereMapTexture = new SphereMapTexture("sphereMap", R.drawable.sphere_map);
// -- use 30% of the environment sphere map

Texture texture = new Texture("myTexture", R.drawable.my_texture);
// -- use 40% of the diffuse texture

Diffuse Texture & Specular Map

Diffuse Texture & Specular Map

Material material = new Material();
// -- add a diffuse texture
material.addTexture(new Texture("earth", R.drawable.earth_diffuse));
// -- add a specular map
material.addTexture(new SpecularMapTexture("earthSpec", R.drawable.earth_specular));

Diffuse Texture, Specular Map & Normal Map

Diffuse Texture, Specular Map & Normal Map

Material material = new Material();
// -- add a diffuse texture
material.addTexture(new Texture("earthDiff", R.drawable.earth_diffuse));
// -- add a specular map
material.addTexture(new SpecularMapTexture("earthSpec", R.drawable.earth_specular));
// -- add a normal map
material.addTexture(new NormalMapTexture("earthNorm", R.drawable.earth_normal));

Diffuse Texture & Alpha Map

Diffuse Texture, Specular Map & Normal Map

Material material = new Material();
Texture texture = new Texture("earth", R.drawable.earth_diffuse);

AlphaMapTexture alphaMap = new AlphaMapTexture("alphaMap", R.drawable.camden_town_alpha);

Toon Material

Toon Material

Material material = new Material();
material.setDiffuseMethod(new DiffuseMethod.Toon());
// or new DiffuseMethod.Toon(int color1, int color2, int color3, int color4);