This simple application just calculates the sum of two numbers through the value of two numbers sent in a request by the user.
The purpose is to use this application as an example of teaching how to create custom extensions on IBM's Watsonx Assistant.
To make a request to this application, simply pass the following request (in JSON format)
"number1": 10,
"number2": 20
Open your terminal and type the following command:
git clone
Open your terminal/favorite idle and install the libraries used in this project
-> But first make sure you are in the correct directory path.
cd sum/source/rest_api
And then:
pip3 install requirements.txt
or, depending on the version of Python used on your machine.
pip install requirements
Now, you can run the code with:
or, depending on the version of Python used on your machine.
To make the request, You can use Insomia or any other software of your choice.
To use Docker, you need to have Docker desktop on your machine. -> For more information about Docker, you can refer to the links below:
- Official Docker documentation (
Open your terminal and navigate to the correct directory path.
cd sum/source/rest_api
And then:
docker build . -t simple-python-app
With this command, a build an image was construed in its current folder and using the tag simple-python-app
To test your application, run the following command.
docker run -d -p 8080:8080 simple-python-app
-d command runs the container in decoupled mode (-d), without blocking your terminal.
-p command specifies the ports to be used in the 8080 application on the internal and external port of the container.
Now your application should be available on port 8080 on your localhost.
Use http://localhost:8080 with the sum route to perform the sum operation: http://localhost:8080/sum
And then use Insomia or any other software of your choice to send the request and see the results