This scoreboard is no longer maintained and any Pull Requests will be ignored. Please checkout ctf-scoreboard for our maintained version of this scoreboard.
This repository is for the scoreboard used to run MITRE capture the flag competitions. For the registratration app see this repository.
- Install ruby.
- In your terminal run
gem install bundle
- Run
bundle install
- Install postgres to your system (and create a role with your system username)
- Run
bundle exec rake db:create
- Run
bundle exec rake db:schema:load
- Run
bundle exec rake db:seed
- Run
bundle exec rails s
- Open the webpage shown in your terminal from the last command in your browser.
- Login to the scoreboard as email:
, password:ChangePa$$w0rd
and change the password.
- Install docker and docker-compose for your platform
- Clone this project to your local system
- Create a .env_vars file in the root containing the contents
SECRET_KEY_BASE=<put your secret key here!>
- From this directory on your system run
docker-compose up -d
- Run
docker-compose run web rake db:create
- Run
docker-compose run web rake db:schema:load
- Run
docker-compose run web rake db:seed
- The scoreboard should now be running at
- Login to the scoreboard as email:
, password:ChangePa$$w0rd
and change the password.
- Fork the repository on github
- Run
git clone [address]
- Make your edits
- View your edits
- Run the git add and commit commands. Please make sure your commit messages are descriptive.
- Run
git push origin master
- Submit a pull request