Settings of aliases, vim, etc.
$ git clone
Copy .vimrc
and .vim
to the home directory
in your home run:
$ cd .vim
$ ./
$ ./
Make a link of .tmux.conf
in your home
in tmux run
$ tmux source-file ~/.tmux.conf
This is useful when using vim. Other keyboard layouts other than US stay unaffected. Most Linux distros use xkb, in which it is very easy to make keyboard swaps. A comprehensive guide on how to do that can be found here
First, in the file /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/us
add this line in the section "basic"
key <CAPS> { [ Escape ] };
Now, you want to put the settings in effect. Gnome uses its own settings layer on top of XKB (see e.g. this page) so you must specify that you want to use xkb for your chosen layout. In the command line, write
$ gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.input-sources sources "[('xkb', 'us'), ('xkb', 'cz')]"
$ gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.input-sources xkb-options "['caps:swapescape','grp:alt_shift_toggle']"
Now, ESC and CapsLock should be swapped in the US layout. You can add other keyboard layouts (e.g. Japanese Mozc) now.
In your home, make a link to .lessfilter. Install pygments or python-pygments.