Important self-test of the famous lapack's diagonalization routine DSYEVR. It checks eigenvectors orthogonality. GNU lapack is affected with the bug, see Reference-LAPACK/lapack#151.
This small software buildup is based upon autocmake project ( ).
Clone the repository, go the src/ directory and type there if you want native GNU lapack:
gfortran -fallow-argument-mismatch dsyevr_check.F90 eispack.F -llapack -lblas
Alternatively, you can utilize the openblas library:
gfortran -fallow-argument-mismatch dsyevr_check.F90 eispack.F -lopenblas
You get the a.out executable you can work with, as shown below.
- Gfortran 4.7.2 and later versions, with system native libraries (/usr/lib/ /usr/lib/
python setup --fc=gfortran --extra-fc-flags="-fallow-argument-mismatch" --cmake-options="-D MATH_LIB_SEARCH_ORDER='SYSTEM_NATIVE'" build_gfortran_sysnatlibs cd build_gfortran_sysnatlibs make VERBOSE=1 cd src ./dsyerv_check
confirms eigenvectors nonorthogonality in the dsyevr routine:
**** LAPACK DSYEVR **** U^{+}*A*U - eps ?= 0> norm/diag:0.1147D-14 norm/offdiag:0.1365D-05 U^{+}*U - I ?= 0> norm/diag:0.3824D-15 norm/offdiag:0.2729D-05 U*U^{+} - I ?= 0> norm/diag:0.8556D-05 norm/offdiag:0.5285D-05
- Gfortran (4.7.2) and the own downloaded Lapack 3.6.0
python setup --fc=gfortran --blas=off --lapack=off --cmake-options="-D EXPLICIT_LIBS='-L/u/milias/Work/qch/software/lapack/lapack-3.6.0/build/lib -llapack -lblas'" build_gfortran_lapack3.6.0 cd build_gfortran_lapack3.6.0 make VERBOSE=1 cd src ./dsyerv_check
shows the nonorthogonality:
**** LAPACK DSYEVR **** U^{+}*A*U - eps ?= 0> norm/diag:0.1616D-14 norm/offdiag:0.1419D-06 U^{+}*U - I ?= 0> norm/diag:0.3454D-15 norm/offdiag:0.2838D-06 U*U^{+} - I ?= 0> norm/diag:0.1047D-05 norm/offdiag:0.7950D-06
- Gfortran (4.4.7) with the fresh Lapack 3.7.0
python setup --fc=gfortran --blas=off --lapack=off --cmake-options="-D EXPLICIT_LIBS='-L/home/milias/Work/qch/software/smaller_software_projects/lapack-dsyevr-test/lapack-3.7.0/build/lib -llapack -lblas'" build_gfortran_lapack3.7.0 cd build_gfortran_lapack3.7.0 make VERBOSE=1 cd src ./dsyerv_check
shows the nonorthogonality:
**** LAPACK DSYEVR **** U^{+}*A*U - eps ?= 0> norm/diag:0.1616D-14 norm/offdiag:0.1419D-06 U^{+}*U - I ?= 0> norm/diag:0.3454D-15 norm/offdiag:0.2838D-06 U*U^{+} - I ?= 0> norm/diag:0.1047D-05 norm/offdiag:0.7950D-06
- Intel 15.0 and the downloaded Lapack 3.6.0
python setup --fc=ifort --blas=off --lapack=off --cmake-options="-D EXPLICIT_LIBS='-L/u/milias/Work/qch/software/lapack/lapack-3.6.0/build/lib -llapack -lblas -lgfortran'" build_ifort_lapack3.6.0 cd build_ifort_lapack3.6.0 make VERBOSE=1 cd src ./dsyerv_check
confirms eigenvectors orthogonality in the dsyevr routine:
**** LAPACK DSYEVR **** U^{+}*A*U - eps ?= 0> norm/diag:0.1604D-14 norm/offdiag:0.2574D-15 U^{+}*U - I ?= 0> norm/diag:0.2961D-15 norm/offdiag:0.9328D-16 U*U^{+} - I ?= 0> norm/diag:0.1974D-15 norm/offdiag:0.1216D-15
- Intel 15.0/16.0 with the attached MKL library
python setup --fc=ifort --cmake-options="-D MATH_LIB_SEARCH_ORDER='MKL'" build_ifort_mkl cd build_ifort_mkl make VERBOSE=1 cd src ./dsyerv_check
has proper orthogonality in the dsyevr routine as we can see from the output:
**** LAPACK DSYEVR **** U^{+}*A*U - eps ?= 0> norm/diag:0.1684D-14 norm/offdiag:0.2746D-15 U^{+}*U - I ?= 0> norm/diag:0.2097D-15 norm/offdiag:0.6923D-16 U*U^{+} - I ?= 0> norm/diag:0.2467D-16 norm/offdiag:0.8681D-16