Extends miniwdl to run workflows on SLURM clusters in singularity containers.
This SLURM backend plugin for miniwdl runs WDL task containers by creating a job script that is submitted to a SLURM cluster. In case the job description has a container, singularity will be used as container runtime.
pip install git+https://github.com/LUMC/miniwdl-slurm.git
The following information should be set in the miniwdl configuration:
# task_concurrency defaults to the number of processors on the system.
# since we submit the jobs to SLURM this is not necessary.
# higher numbers means miniwdl has to monitor more processes simultaneously
# which might impact performance.
# This plugin wraps the singularity backend. Make sure the settings are
# appropriate for your cluster.
exe = ["singularity"]
# the miniwdl default options contain options to run as a fake root, which
# is not available on most clusters.
run_options = [
# Location of the singularity images (optional). The miniwdl-slurm plugin
# will set it to a directory inside $PWD. This location must be reachable
# for the submit nodes.
image_cache = "$PWD/miniwdl_singularity_cache"
# extra arguments passed to the srun command (optional).
extra_args="--partition heavy_users,gpu --comment 'run with miniwdl'"