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MinIO Client SDK for Haskell Build StatusHackageSlack

The MinIO Haskell Client SDK provides simple APIs to access MinIO and Amazon S3 compatible object storage server.

Minimum Requirements


Add to your project

Simply add minio-hs to your project's .cabal dependencies section or if you are using hpack, to your package.yaml file as usual.

Try it out directly with ghci

From your home folder or any non-haskell project directory, just run:

stack install minio-hs

Then start an interpreter session and browse the available APIs with:

$ stack ghci
> :browse Network.Minio


The examples folder contains many examples that you can try out and use to learn and to help with developing your own projects.

Quick-Start Example - File Uploader

This example program connects to a MinIO object storage server, makes a bucket on the server and then uploads a file to the bucket.

We will use the MinIO server running at in this example. Feel free to use this service for testing and development. Access credentials are present in the library and are open to the public.


#!/usr/bin/env stack
-- stack --resolver lts-14.11 runghc --package minio-hs --package optparse-applicative --package filepath

-- MinIO Haskell SDK, (C) 2017-2019 MinIO, Inc.
-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-- limitations under the License.

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
import           Network.Minio

import           Data.Monoid           ((<>))
import           Data.Text             (pack)
import           Options.Applicative
import           System.FilePath.Posix
import           UnliftIO              (throwIO, try)

import           Prelude

-- | The following example uses minio's play server at
--  The endpoint and associated
-- credentials are provided via the libary constant,
-- > minioPlayCI :: ConnectInfo

-- optparse-applicative package based command-line parsing.
fileNameArgs :: Parser FilePath
fileNameArgs = strArgument
               (metavar "FILENAME"
                <> help "Name of file to upload to AWS S3 or a MinIO server")

cmdParser = info
            (helper <*> fileNameArgs)
             <> progDesc "FileUploader"
             <> header
             "FileUploader - a simple file-uploader program using minio-hs")

main :: IO ()
main = do
  let bucket = "my-bucket"

  -- Parse command line argument
  filepath <- execParser cmdParser
  let object = pack $ takeBaseName filepath

  res <- runMinio minioPlayCI $ do
    -- Make a bucket; catch bucket already exists exception if thrown.
    bErr <- try $ makeBucket bucket Nothing

    -- If the bucket already exists, we would get a specific
    -- `ServiceErr` exception thrown.
    case bErr of
      Left BucketAlreadyOwnedByYou -> return ()
      Left e                       -> throwIO e
      Right _                      -> return ()

    -- Upload filepath to bucket; object name is derived from filepath.
    fPutObject bucket object filepath defaultPutObjectOptions

  case res of
    Left e   -> putStrLn $ "file upload failed due to " ++ show e
    Right () -> putStrLn "file upload succeeded."

Run FileUploader

./FileUploader.hs "path/to/my/file"


Contributors Guide


To setup:

git clone

cd minio-hs/

stack install

Tests can be run with:

stack test

A section of the tests use the remote MinIO Play server at by default. For library development, using this remote server maybe slow. To run the tests against a locally running MinIO live server at http://localhost:9000, just set the environment MINIO_LOCAL to any value (and unset it to switch back to Play).

To run the live server tests, set a build flag as shown below:

stack test --flag minio-hs:live-test

# OR against a local MinIO server with:

MINIO_LOCAL=1 stack test --flag minio-hs:live-test

The configured CI system always runs both test-suites for every change.

Documentation can be locally built with:

stack haddock