- Algorithms
- Assembly
- Bash
- C
- C#
- C++
- ClojureScript
- ColdFusion
- Crystal
- Dart
- DevOps
- Docker
- Elm
- Flutter
- GDScript
- Git
- Go
- Gremlin
- Haskell
- HTML and CSS
- Ionic
- Java
- JavaScript
- Kotlin
- Kubernetes
- Multiple Languages
- .Net
- Nim
- Node.js
- OCaml
- Perl
- Python
- R
- React
- Redis
- Regular Expressions
- Ruby
- Rust
- RxJS
- Scala
- Scratch
- Solidity
- Svelte
- Swift
- TypeScript
- V
- Vim
- Data Structures Visualization - David Galles
- The Algorithm Visualizer
- Command Challenge - Command Challenge
- Educational Visual CPU Simulator - Renato Cortinovis, Nicola Preda, Jonathan Cancelli, Alessandro Belotti, Davide Riva (JAVA, JAR)
- OverTheWire - OverTheWire
- Terminus - MIT
- InterviewBit - Online C Compiler IDE
- JDoodle - Online C Compiler IDE
- Programiz - Online C Compiler
- SoloLearn
- Coding Blocks
- Coding Minutes
- Compiler Explorer
- InterviewBit
- LabStack
- Online C++ Compiler
- OnlineGDB
- SoloLearn
- DevOps Dream - DevOps Dream
- KodeKloud
- CodePen
- CSSdeck
- Dabblet
- Flexbox Froggy - Codepip
- Flexy Boxes
- Grid Garden - Codepip
- HTML, CSS, JavaScript
- Learn advanced html and css - The Odin Project
- Learn Intermediate html and css - The Odin Project
- LiveCode - LiveCode
- SoloLearn
- Tailwind Play
- InterviewBit - Online Java Compiler IDE
- Java Compiler
- JDoodle - Online Java Compiler Advanced IDE
- JDoodle - Online Java Compiler IDE
- OnlineGDB
- Programiz - Online Java Compiler
- repl.it (including a separate Java/Swing)
- SoloLearn
- CodeHS
- CodePen
- CodeSandbox.io
- Esfiddle
- Grasshopper (Google account required)
- Hello Website - (Glitch) (Account requested, not required)
- InterviewBit - Online JavaScript Compiler IDE
- JavaScript Compiler
- JSBin
- JSFiddle
- Liveweave - Amit Sen
- OneCompiler
- PlayCode
- Plunker
- SoloLearn
ℹ️ See also … Angular
- Nim Playground - nim-lang.org
- Hello Node - (Glitch) (Account requested, not required)
- Ideone
- MDX Playground
- SoloLearn
- Codepad
- InterviewBit - Online Python Compiler IDE
- Online Python
- OnlineGDB
- Programiz.com
- Pynative.com
- Python Online Compilers
- Python Trinket
- Python Tutor
- Python.org Shell
- Repl.it - NiceDualPoint
- SoloLearn
- Try Python - Jakub T. Jankiewicz
- CodeSandbox.io
- Hello React - (Glitch) (Account requested, not required)
- jscomplete
- PlayCode
- StackBlitz
- iHateRegex: regex for playground - Geon George
- Regex Tester and Debugger Online - Javascript, PCRE, PHP - Dan's Tools
- Regex101: build, test, and debug regex - Firas Dib (regex101.com)
- Regexper - Jeff Avallone
- RegExr: Learn, Build, & Test RegEx - GSkinner Inc.
ℹ️ See also … AngularJS
- V Playground - vlang.io
- Vim Adventure - Doron Linder
- Vim Genius - Vic Ramon, Rye Mason