This is a manual test application for the PIR motion sensor driver.
In order to build this application, you need to add the board to the
Makefile's WHITELIST
first and define a pin mapping (see below).
There are two ways to test this. You can either actively poll the sensor state, or you can register a thread which receives messages for state changes.
Connect the sensor's "out" pin to a GPIO of your board that can be configured to create interrupts. Compile and flash this test application like:
export BOARD=your_board
export PIR_GPIO=name_of_your_pin
make clean
make all-interrupt
make flash
The output should look like:
kernel_init(): jumping into first task...
PIR motion sensor test application
Initializing PIR sensor at GPIO_8... [OK]
Registering PIR handler thread... [OK]
PIR handler got a message: the movement has ceased.
PIR handler got a message: something started moving.
PIR handler got a message: the movement has ceased.
Connect the sensor's "out" pin to any GPIO pin of you board. Compile and flash this test application like:
export BOARD=your_board
export PIR_GPIO=name_of_your_pin
make clean
make all-polling
make flash
The output should look like this:
kernel_init(): jumping into first task...
PIR motion sensor test application
Initializing PIR sensor at GPIO_10... [OK]
Printing sensor state every second.
Status: lo
Status: lo
Status: hi