Thank you for deploying OpenFaaS to Civo's k3s service.
The OpenFaaS gateway has been made available through a NodePort
on port 31112
on each node.
- Go to your Civo dashboard, click Kubernetes and then your OpenFaaS Cluster.
Look for the DNS entry that you find there, it may look something like
This DNS record which points at each of the nodes in your cluster.
- Set the following URL:
export DNS="" # As per dashboard
export OPENFAAS_URL=http://$DNS:31112
Pick A or B:
A) Get your kubeconfig via command-line
civo k8s ls civo k8s kubeconfig --save <CLUSTER_NAME> kubectl config set-context <CLUSTER_NAME>
B) Get your kubeconfig via the Dashboard
Download your
file from the Civo dashboard.Now set the
environment variable, so that you point at your new cluster:export KUBECONFIG=$HOME/Downloads/config-file.yaml
You can find your password above and save it as password.txt
Alternative, retrieve the password using kubectl
echo $(kubectl get secret -n openfaas basic-auth -o jsonpath="{.data.basic-auth-password}" | base64 --decode; echo) > password.txt
Now install the faas-cli and log in:
cat password.txt | faas-cli login --username admin --password-stdin
faas-cli store list
# Find one you like
faas-cli store deploy nodeinfo
# List your functions
faas-cli list --verbose
# Check when the function is ready
faas-cli describe nodeinfo
Name: nodeinfo
Status: Ready
# Invoke the function using the URL given above, or via `faas-cli invoke`
echo | faas-cli invoke nodeinfo
echo -n "verbose" | faas-cli invoke nodeinfo
You can now use the DNS entry you found earlier in a web-browser to access your dashboard.
Read the docs: Deploy TLS with LetsEncrypt to enable HTTPS
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