#Spring music on concourse
- Concourse
- Build only once and deploy anywhere
- Every build is a release candidate
- Every build step runs inside a docker container mounting to garden linux cells
Resources in concourse are implemented as docker images which contain implementations corresponding their types
music-repo (git-resource): A github repo. E.g. spring music github resource
version (semver-resource): A file to track the version stored in s3. E.g. 1.0.1 in a file named as current-version
music-release ((s3-resource)) A bucket in s3 that stores spring-music artifact E.g. spring-music-1.0.1.war
This step runs on a container with gradle and java installed. Basically it just runs "gradle test" against the music-repo
- music-repo - Check out the same source version of music-repo as unit step
- version - Checkout the version file from s3
- "gradle assemble" generates the war artifact
- Push the artifact to the s3 resource as music-resource
- Git tag on the music-repo
- Bump the version resource for the next usage
- Pull the binary from music-release
- Deploy to cloudfoundry acceptance tests space
- Run Automation Acceptance Tests suite
- Pull the binary from music-release
- Deploy to cloudfoundry uat space
- Waiting for user acceptance tests
- Manually trigger the build when the operators are ready
- Pull the binary from music-release
- Deploy to prod
Fork this github repo to your own github account, generate the key pair and add the public key to github , and save the private key for future usage.
Prepare a s3 bucket named as music-pipeline-artifacts
fly command line dance
--password my-password my-target```
Configure the cloudfoundry target environment in spring-music.yml E.g.
API_ENDPOINT: api. USERNAME: admin PASSWORD: admin ORG: test-org SPACE: prod HOST: music
fly -t my-target configure --config spring-music.yml --var "music_private_key=$(cat PRIVATE_KEY_FOR_GITHUB)" --var s3-access-key-id=YOUR_S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID --var s3-secret-access-key=YOUR_S3_ACCESS_KEY --paused=false spring-music