Bitcoin Brute Forcer
Python 3+ Required
A Constant Internet Connection Is Required
Clone Repository: git clone
Pip Install Requirements: pip install -r requirements.txt
Run file: python
This program is meant to analyze possible ways Bitcoin could be stolen. Because it is impossible to convert a wallet address back into its private key, this program goes the opposite way and first generates a completely random private key which then gets converted into its respective address to see if it contains a balance. Because private keys are generated randomly, it is very unlikely a wallet with a balance will be found out of the 2160 possible wallets in existence. This project is simply an exploration into the Bitcoin protocol and advanced encryption and hashing techniques using Python.
Private keys are generated randomly to create a 32 byte hexidecimal string using the cryptographically secure os.urandom function in UTF-8 format.
The private keys are converted into their respective public keys. Then the public keys are converted in their bitcoin wallet addresses using the binascii, ECDSA, and hashlib Python modules.
The wallet addresses are queried using Block Explorer API to collect balance details.
If the wallet contains a balance, then the address, private key, public key, and balance are saved to a text file plutus.txt
on the user's hard drive.
If the wallet is empty, then the format Wallet Address = 0
will be printed. An example is:
1A5P8ix6XaoCqXmtXxBwwhp5ZkYsqra32C = 0
However, if a balance is found, then the output will include all necessary information about the wallet, including an estimated wallet balance in USD. A copy of the output will also be saved in a text file titled plutus.txt
with all balances in Satoshi. An example is:
address: 1FMdedPnanqb3Z2wHGxbZzm7r8k8oK97Mc
private key: 89cd4d8984692f31e572dc61dc1bc78517ef440308b71faa1ed3815e7afa76a2
public key: 04CF7C2B23181BA6EAA841F3A0CB07F387C1DB54FE5F3BE4CC590C4802E4BEE82C58AFC030734C90DE6119F1C1997136EDADA066684E5A7A94A73B2F095B0C14BA
balance: 100000 (approximately $8.98)
If you are receiving:
HTTP Error Code: (number)
Trying again in 5 seconds
Unable to connect to API after several attempts. HTTP Error Code: 429
Retrying in 30 seconds
This program queries Block Explorer API for wallet balances making a http request necessary for complete operation. If connection to the API is found to be unresponsive (failing to return a 200 http status) the program will pause for 5 seconds and attempt to restart operaton.
If you are receiving a lot of errors, visit to see if their API might be down.
This program also responds to 429 HTTP responses because of the high frequency of server requests. When a 429 is encountered, the program will attempt to restart operaton. If several 429's are received repeatedly, the user will get the result printed above and will be forced to wait 30 seconds.
A majority of the issues with this program happen because of API requests. Despite the heavy amount of error handling, there will most likely be issues with this program eventually. If you are getting errors and are unable to run this program, raise an issue and i'll try to patch it.
This program is able to handle, generate, and query a private key all in 0.5 - 0.7 seconds. However, because this program uses the internet for balance requests, a slower internet connection may impact time efficiency. This program is also mathematically heavy, so processor speed may also impact time.
Plutus will be updated whenever an issue is raised. The speed of this program cannot be improved, so only error handling updates will be given. Raise an issue here.