This was/is intended to be a filenamer tool, offering:
- Search / Replace
- Common Case operations
- Pascal Style string operations
- Load a variety of metadata into a grid. Use Column names in the string operations
- User can create scripts
This is a rewrite of an existing hobby codebase - The first version was entirely complete, but I stupidly/lazily used third party components belonging to my employer (DevEx controls).
Metatags supported by the first version:
- ID3
- Windows Media Metadata
- NTFS Storages
Renaming and metadata saving is not implemented. But this has been used as a framework for video processing. I got ffprobe implemented to read video meta data, then was presented with a project requiring video processing based on existing metadata. Most of the code had alrady been implemented in FileRenamer2, so I used this project for that...
This is my first multi-threaded project. I keep hacking in additional processing in the main thread, then am slowly work back through them migrating them to worker threads...