⚠️ DEPRECATED: MusicBrainz now sports an official MySQL backend MusicBrainz - MySQL
MusicBrainz | MySQL |
Since the canonical MusicBrainz database only works on PostgresQL currently, I've taken the inititive of making MusicBrainz run on MySQL.
Tested on MySQL 5.7
Download a copy for your respective OS here: Download MySQL if you haven't already.
- Download a dump of the MusicBrainz database here: MusicBrainz Dump. Grab a ☕, this will take a while.
- Explode it into its
directory. - Create the MusicBrainz database first:
mysql -u root --password={{ root password }} < MySQLCreateMusicBrainzTables.sql
- Import the MusicBrianz data into your freshly created database and tables.
mysqlimport -u root --password={{ root password }} musicbrainz {{ path to mbdump}}/mbdump/*
There are millions of rows so grab another cup of :coffeee:. This will take a while as well.
There are a few differences between Postgres and MySQL that made the original CreateTables.sql (found here) script incompatible with MySQL.
Use your favorite diff
tool - I'm partial to meld to see the transition from postgresql to mysql:
meld CreateTables.sql MySQLCreateMusicBrainzTables.sql
1. Comments in MySQL need a space between -- and it's text:
- CREATE TABLE area_alias ( -- replicate (verbose)
- id SERIAL, --PK
+ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS area_alias ( -- replicate (verbose)
+ id SERIAL, -- PK
2. UUIDs aren't supported in MySQL
- CREATE TABLE area_gid_redirect ( -- replicate (verbose)
- gid UUID NOT NULL, -- PK
+ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS area_gid_redirect ( -- replicate (verbose)
+ gid CHAR(36) NOT NULL, -- PK
3. release
is a reserved word in MySQL
The full list can be found here: MySQL 5.7 Reserved Words
These columns are escaped with a back-tick (`) like this:
CREATE TABLE cdtoc_raw ( -- replicate
id SERIAL, -- PK
- release INTEGER NOT NULL, -- references release_raw.id
discid CHAR(28) NOT NULL,
track_count INTEGER NOT NULL,
leadout_offset INTEGER NOT NULL,
track_offset INTEGER[] NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS cdtoc_raw ( -- replicate
id SERIAL, -- PK
+ `release` INTEGER NOT NULL, -- references release_raw.id
discid CHAR(28) NOT NULL,
track_count INTEGER NOT NULL,
leadout_offset INTEGER NOT NULL,
track_offset JSON NOT NULL
4. Timestamps in MySQL are different
5. Geo points and cube
are difficult in MySQL
Copped out and put these troublesome columns into VARCHAR
6. Custom TYPES aren't supported in MySQL
Most of these are enums
so we can do something like this:
- CREATE TYPE cover_art_presence AS ENUM ('absent', 'present', 'darkened');
CREATE TABLE release_meta ( -- replicate (verbose)
id INTEGER NOT NULL, -- PK, references release.id CASCADE
info_url VARCHAR(255),
amazon_asin VARCHAR(10),
amazon_store VARCHAR(20),
+ cover_art_presence cover_art_presence NOT NULL DEFAULT 'absent'
7. CJK support
Unfortunantly the default table encoding is latin1
and the collation is set to latin1_swedish_ci
which makes a hash of Chinese, Japanese, and Korean (CJK). Setting each table to support UTF-8 is as easy as adding:
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS artist_meta ( -- replicate
id INTEGER NOT NULL, -- PK, references artist.id CASCADE
rating SMALLINT CHECK (rating >= 0 AND rating <= 100),
rating_count INTEGER
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS artist_meta ( -- replicate
id INTEGER NOT NULL, -- PK, references artist.id CASCADE
rating SMALLINT CHECK (rating >= 0 AND rating <= 100),
rating_count INTEGER
+ ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;
to each table.
- Replication - the default build of MusicBrainz offers seamless replication to PostgresQL
- Indexes - the default build of MusicBrainz creates a lucene index. I think either Solr or Elasticsearch would be good here.
- Triggers
- Stored Procedutes
See something that can be improved? Feel free to open a PR and I'll happily merge it in.