diff --git a/Rules.md b/Rules.md
index 7d8259be05..2a8d0cedd3 100644
--- a/Rules.md
+++ b/Rules.md
@@ -95,6 +95,7 @@
* [No Grouping Extension](#no-grouping-extension)
* [Notification Center Detachment](#notification-center-detachment)
* [NSLocalizedString Key](#nslocalizedstring-key)
+* [NSLocalizedString Require Bundle](#nslocalizedstring-require-bundle)
* [NSObject Prefer isEqual](#nsobject-prefer-isequal)
* [Number Separator](#number-separator)
* [Object Literal](#object-literal)
@@ -13549,6 +13550,60 @@ NSLocalizedString(↓"key_\(param)", comment: nil)
+## NSLocalizedString Require Bundle
+Identifier | Enabled by default | Supports autocorrection | Kind | Analyzer | Minimum Swift Compiler Version
+--- | --- | --- | --- | --- | ---
+`nslocalizedstring_require_bundle` | Disabled | No | lint | No | 3.0.0
+Calls to NSLocalisedString should specify the bundle which contains the strings file.
+### Examples
+Non Triggering Examples
+NSLocalizedString("someKey", bundle: .main, comment: "test")
+NSLocalizedString("someKey", tableName: "a",
+ bundle: Bundle(for: A.self),
+ comment: "test")
+NSLocalizedString("someKey", tableName: "xyz",
+ bundle: someBundle, value: "test"
+ comment: "test")
+Triggering Examples
+↓NSLocalizedString("someKey", comment: "test")
+↓NSLocalizedString("someKey", tableName: "a", comment: "test")
+↓NSLocalizedString("someKey", tableName: "xyz",
+ value: "test", comment: "test")
## NSObject Prefer isEqual
Identifier | Enabled by default | Supports autocorrection | Kind | Analyzer | Minimum Swift Compiler Version