Feel free to ask anything or request help for development
miguelraulb at gmail dot com
Perl 5.10.1
CPAN Modules
- IO::Socket
- Mail::MboxParser
- LWP::Simple
- LWP::UserAgent
- experimental
- DBD::mysql
- Digest::MD5::File
MySQL Server
Installation Linux Debian installation instructions
Once you have all the modules installed you just have to create a database called spampot or whatever you wish to name it, create a user with password and then assign the name of your database to the user you've already created.
Please set this values on the spampot-ng.conf
In order to run the tool you have to run it with sudo or using a wrapper as authbind, here are the instructions
# sudo perl spampot-ng.pl
# authbind --deep perl spampot-ng.pl
Miguel Raúl Bautista Soria