Welcome to Phalcon framework, a new approach on PHP frameworks. Our mission is to give you an advanced tool for developing web sites and applications without worrying about performance.
Phalcon is an open source, full stack framework for PHP 5 written as a C-extension, optimized for high performance. You don't need learn or use the C language, since the functionality is exposed as PHP classes ready for you to use. Phalcon also is loosely coupled, allowing you to use its objects as glue components based on the needs of your application.
Phalcon is not only about performance, our goal is to make it robust and easy to use!
.. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 reference/motivation reference/benchmark reference/install reference/tutorial reference/tutorial-invo reference/tutorial-rest reference/di reference/mvc reference/controllers reference/models reference/phql reference/odm reference/views reference/tags reference/volt reference/applications reference/routing reference/dispatching reference/micro reference/namespaces reference/events reference/request reference/response reference/url reference/flash reference/session reference/filter reference/config reference/pagination reference/cache reference/acl reference/translate reference/loader reference/logging reference/cli reference/db reference/intl reference/migrations reference/debug reference/tools api/index reference/license