When debugging simple "one process" JS programs, there is always a top level debug session that clutters the CALL STACK view:
We should try to get rid of this either:
- by hiding it in the call stack view (e.g. by using tree's compressed feature), or
- introducing some new abstraction in the debug architecture (e.g. "debug context"), that a debug extension can use, but is not necessarily visible in the call stack view.
In the general case (with multiple debug sessions) it is still needed to have a parent, but we should better indicate the purpose of the parent. Today (as seen in the screenshot) we show the parent as a regular debug session and duplicate the stopped reason ("Paused on Breakpoint"). This is really confusing. As a first step we should remove the reason and show a different icon or no better no icon (and probably offer different context menu actions).
@connor4312 @isidorn what's your opinion?