This plan captures our work in February. We will ship in early March. This is a 4-week iteration.
- February 24th, 2020: Endgame begins
- February 28th, 2020: Endgame done
The endgame details for this iteration are tracked in #91278.
Plan Items
Below is a summary of the top level plan items.
Legend of annotations:
Mark | Description |
🏃 | work in progress |
✋ | blocked task |
💪 | stretch goal for this iteration |
🔴 | missing issue reference |
🔵 | more investigation required to remove uncertainty |
⚫ | under discussion within the team |
- Identify design inconsistencies with UI + JSON experiences Identify design inconsistencies with UI + JSON expriences #84309 @misolori
- Explore how to make extension packs more visible Add visual indicator for extension packs in extension search results #89962 @misolori @sandy081
- Investigate into accessibility on Linux (using Orca) Investigate into Linux Orca screen reader #90446 @isidorn
- Accessibility issues, see query @isidorn
- Settings sync Settings Sync Plan #90129 @sandy081
- Improve testing support for settings sync Create sync test suite that verifies the right headers are being sent in various situations #90076 @sandy081 @Tyriar
- Enable views to move between containers using drag'n drop and commands Enable views to move between containers (Part 2) #89729 @sbatten @sandy081 @isidorn
- 🏃 Custom Editors - validate the proposed API for custom editors Custom webview editor API #77131 @mjbvz @bpasero @jrieken
- Custom Editors - enable workspace edits Support for custom editors in the workbench #84672 @bpasero
- Improve offline support for authentication providers Improve handling of token refresh while offline #89200 @RMacfarlane
- Validate the proposed API for authentication providers by implementing a GitHub provider GitHub Authentication Provider #90384 @RMacfarlane
- 🏃 Explore UX for account management Authentication providers - Account management UX #90385 @RMacfarlane
- Render whitespace in selection by default Render whitespace in selection by default #90386 @RMacfarlane
- Enable search editor in stable @JacksonKearl
- 🏃 Provide in core implementation for notebooks (see feature list) Notebook implementation in core (rendering / editor features) #90382 @rebornix
- 🔴 🏃 Explore language support for notebooks @jrieken
- Explore global undo/redo of workspace edits Allow to undo/redo edits across multiple files #638 @alexdima
- Support contributable
Welcome View
contents Views: Support contributable welcome view content #89080 shown when a view is empty @joaomoreno
- 🏃 Semantic coloring: validate current API, engage with popular extensions Tokenization overhaul #77140 @aeschli @alexdima
- 🔴 💪 Improve the discoverability of the column selection support @alexdima
- Support to render the full document in the minimap Minimap: Show Full Document #21849 @alexdima
- 🔴 Ship the standalone editor @alexdima
- 🏃 Support to preview refactoring changes for other refactorings than Rename Support preview a WorkspaceEdit #77728 @jrieken @mjbvz
- 🏃 Revisit rendering of completion items (richer completion labels) Consider showing completion item detail if available for all list items #39441 @octref @jrieken
- 🏃 Investigate into support for optimized LSP transport of JSON payloads (gzip, MessagePack) issue @dbaeumer
- LSP protocol enhancements (symbol tags, links in diagnostic messages) @dbaeumer
- LSIF Web Page polish @dbaeumer
- 🏃 Improve auto-rename tag implementation by not relying on multiple cursors Improve mirror cursor implementation with Synced Regions #88424 @octref
- Adopt TS v3.8 Bundle TS 3.8 #91339 @mjbvz
- Improve the new js debugger (see query) @connor4312 @roblourens
- Add language service extension API for debug hovers (part of the language service/debugger investigation Investigate into using language service support for scope resolution #84044) @weinand
- 🏃 Allow debug extensions to provide configurations to display in Select and Start Debugging Allow debug extensions to provide configurations to display in Select and Start Debugging #88230 @weinand @isidorn
- Make initial debug / run view extensible Make run and debug welcome view extensible #85548 @isidorn
- Breakpoint improvements Breakpoints are not able to move to different sources on update #89756 DAP errors when setting breakpoints are not respected #89059 Asynchronously verified breakpoints are not always marked as "verified" within the UI #86749 @isidorn
- Improve in Debug Console Improve in Debug Console #34981 @isidorn
- Experiment whether renaming Debug -> Run in menu bar improves the debugger discoverabilty Rename "Debug" to "Run" #90445 @isidorn @miguel
- Support grouping in output events Support grouping in output events debug-adapter-protocol#96 @weinand
- Allow the placement of the cursor in a DAP completion item Allow the placement of the cursor in a DAP completion item debug-adapter-protocol#87 @weinand
- Proposal: Cancellable Progress Events Proposal: Progress Events debug-adapter-protocol#92 @weinand
- Improve SCM 'no repositories' view SCM: Viewlet should improve "no repositories" messaging #61491 @joaomoreno
- Provide File History view API support for Timeline view #84297 @eamodio
- Improve support for Unicode 11 Adopt terminal unicode 11 support addon #90029 @Tyriar
- 🏃 Automatic task detection improve feedback and support cancellation of long running detectors Improve quick pick for tasks since task providers can make it too slow. #90087 @alexr00
- API finalization: query
- API proposals: query
- Explore closer feedback loop with extension authors Explore closer feedback loop with extension authors #84506 @eamodio @fiveisprime
- Provide
in the embedder API Web API: registerCommand() #90569 @bpasero
Extension Contributions
- Improvements to the Remote extensions (see plan here) team
- Contributions to Vetur @octref
- Notarization of VS Code builds for OS X/Catalina Investigate: macOS notarization #74782 @joaomoreno
- 🏃 Rewrite quick open with quick pick widget QuickOpen: Rewrite using quick input widget #69955 @bpasero @chrmarti
- Testing - run unit/integration across different browsers as part of our integration builds leveraging playwright @bpasero @jrieken
- Continue electron 7 adoption @deepak1556 @bpasero
- Adopt
enable strictFunctionTypes in VS Code codebase #81574 team - Continuous building support of the Monaco editor CI for Monaco Editor compile and bundling. #84636 @alexdima @rebornix
- Publish blog post about our custom data support Write a blog post for Custom Data #83928 @octref
Deferred Items
- 🔴 Semantic coloring: implement API to color a range of a document @alexdima
- 💪 Explore supporting to customize workbench icons in file icon themes Allow configuration of product icons #79130 @aeschli @misolori
- 💪 Provide guidance for language servers for embedded languages Document guidelines to enable language features for embedded languages #47288 @octref @aeschli
- Explore node-free renderer processes Meta: experiment with node free render process #88549 @deepak1556
- 🔴 Identify which icons we use for dynamic sidebar views (caused by moving views) @misolori
- 🔴 Explore bracket pair colorizing performance improvements @alexdima
- 🔴 Explore how to enable 'working sets' as an extension @isidorn @bpasero @sandy081
- Improve the accessibility of the Differences view (F7) Using the file compare tool with screen readers needs some attention #88695 @isidorn
- 🔴 Endgame testing: Support to validate Test Plan Items @sandy081
- ✋ Investigate into support for downloading a folder from the browser to the desktop Web: Support a Download action on folder context menus in explorer #83579 @bpasero
- Productize the TypeScript LSIF indexer issues @dbaeumer
- Support for custom views with WebView contents Support WebViews in extension contributed custom views #83911 @alexr00