This plan captures our work in December and January. We will not ship a December update. The next update will be early February. This is a 5-week iteration.
- January 27th, 2020: Endgame begins
- January 31st, 2020: Endgame done
The endgame details for this iteration are tracked in #89326.
Plan Items
Below is a summary of the top level plan items.
Legend of annotations:
Mark | Description |
🏃 | work in progress |
✋ | blocked task |
💪 | stretch goal for this iteration |
🔴 | missing issue reference |
🔵 | more investigation required to remove uncertainty |
⚫ | under discussion within the team |
- 💪 Identify design inconsistencies with UI + JSON experiences Identify design inconsistencies with UI + JSON expriences #84309 @misolori
- 🏃 Support for custom editors Custom webview editor API #77131 @mjbvz @bpasero @jrieken
- Settings sync support (settings, extensions, keybindings, global state), see query @sandy081
- Provide login support for settings sync Provide login support for settings sync #84332 @RMacfarlane
- Setting sync support in the default Settings editor Settings sync for settings GUI #84431 @roblourens
- Adopt new
for Panels Support ViewPaneContainer in Panel #87191 @sbatten @isidorn @sandy081 - 🏃 Allow Outline and views contributed from extensions to be moved between sidebar and panel in their own tab Enable Views to move between sidebar and panel (Part 1) #85164 @sbatten @isidorn @sandy081
- Save UI state periodically to prevent loss on shutdown Save UI state periodically to prevent loss on shutdown #12058 @bpasero
- Improve MRU list of active editors, support to limit the number of open editors Have a setting for maximum number open files (editors) #9872 @bpasero
- Add support for language specific settings for extension contributed settings Allow Extensions To Contribute Language Specific Settings #26707 @sandy081
- Explore supporting links in diagnostic messages Ability to add links to diagnostics and render them as links in problems view #11847 @octref
- Explore ways to start a file search in a search editor Searches should be able to use the Editor by default #88154 @JacksonKearl
- 🏃 Semantic coloring: validate current API, engage with popular extensions Tokenization overhaul #77140 @aeschli @alexdima
- Ship a new release of the Monaco editor issues @alexdima @rebornix
- Implement word wrapping for non-monospaced fonts Implement word wrapping for non monospace fonts #2654 @alexdima
- Explore how extensions can announce all refactorings they support Code actions contribution point #82718 @mjbvz
- 🏃 Explore support to preview refactoring changes Support preview a WorkspaceEdit #77728 @jrieken @mjbvz
- 🏃 Revisit rendering of completion items (support to always render details, e.g. package names) Consider showing completion item detail if available for all list items #39441 @jrieken @octref
- Support semantic coloring in the spec LSP #18 @dbaeumer
- Support semantic coloring in the LSP libraries LSP Libs #368 @dbaeumer
- Add LSIF to the LSP portal @dbaeumer
- 🔴 Adopt TS v3.8 RC for building VS Code @mjbvz
- Continue to improve the initial debug experience Simplify initial debug experience even more #87162 @isidorn @weinand
- Polish the new JavaScript debugger @connor4312 @roblourens
- Tune presentation of input/output in the debug console Tune presentation of input/output in the debug console #87599 @isidorn
- 🏃 Continue on investigate into using language service support for scope resolution Investigate into using language service support for scope resolution #84044 @weinand
- Support the 'compact' tree representation and searching/filtering in the
Convert LoadedScriptsView to use compact tree #88526 Support search/filtering in LoadedScriptsView #88527 @weinand - Support to group launch configurations Debug: Support launch config grouping and sorting #82332 @isidorn
- 🏃 Explore File History view API support for Timeline view #84297 @eamodio
- Explore how to support VS Code editor inside comment box of SCM Viewlet Git: Adopt editor in SCM input #84831 @joaomoreno @alexdima
- Allow menu contributions in Extension viewlet Ability to contribute actions to context menu of extension in extensions viewlet #87285 @sandy081
- API finalization: query
- API proposals: query
- 🏃 Explore closer feedback loop with extension authors Explore closer feedback loop with extension authors #84506 @eamodio
Extension Contributions
- Improvements to the Remote extensions (see plan here) team
- Explore alternative implementation and API approaches for notebooks Notebook rendering approaches and API #88243, feature list @rebornix @alexdima
- Migrate custom
rules toeslint
tslint to eslint migration #87644 @jrieken @bpasero - 🏃 Continue electron 7 adoption @deepak1556
- 🏃 Adopt
enable strictFunctionTypes in VS Code codebase #81574 team - Implement revised issue triaging workflow Implement revised issues triaging flow #83125 @kieferrm @chrmarti
- Collaborate with TS on their 2020 roadmap Collaborate with TypeScript on 2020 roadmap #84102 @mjbvz
Deferred Items
- ✋ Notarization of VS Code builds for OS X/Catalina Investigate: macOS notarization #74782 @bpasero @joaomoreno
- ✋ Investigate into support for downloading a folder from the browser to the desktop Web: Support a Download action on folder context menus in explorer #83579 @bpasero
- 🏃 Improve SCM 'no repositories' view SCM: Viewlet should improve "no repositories" messaging #61491 @joaomoreno
- 🏃 Publish blog post about our custom data support Write a blog post for Custom Data #83928 @octref
- Rewrite quick open with quick pick widget QuickOpen: Rewrite using quick input widget #69955 @bpasero @chrmarti
- Continuous building support of the Monaco editor CI for Monaco Editor compile and bundling. #84636 @alexdima @rebornix
- Productize the TypeScript LSIF indexer issues @dbaeumer
- Explore node-free renderer processes Meta: experiment with node free render process #88549 @deepak1556
- 💪 Support for custom views with WebView contents Support WebViews in extension contributed custom views #83911 @alexr00
- 💪 Improve in Debug Console Improve in Debug Console #34981 @isidorn
- 💪 Debug console - Support to find text Debug Console should support find #4338 @isidorn
- 💪 Explore supporting to customize workbench icons in file icon themes @aeschli @misolori
- 💪 Explore how to improve the discoverability of the column selection support @alexdima
- 💪 Investigate into support for optimized LSP transport of JSON payloads (gzip, MessagePack) issue @dbaeumer