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List, Tree: Make sure sub-pixel antialiasing works across all lists and trees #84715




@joaomoreno says:

TL;DR Are you a list/tree user? You need to provide a background color to the list/tree in order to preserve sub-pixel anti-aliasing in Windows and Linux.

Recent findings by @alexandrudima and @bpasero uncovered that sub-pixel anti-aliasing gets disabled when a layer is transparent. The list/tree automatically creates a new rendering layer for scrolling performance. So, in order to preserve sub-pixel AA, the root DOM element of the layer must have a background color. That background color depends on its placement in the workbench.

Example: the Explorer should just forward the sidebar background color:


Note: Only opaque colors work here, since passing in a transparent color would defeat the whole purpose and would potentially place the same transparent background color twice, making it darker. If a theme or user eventually passes in a transparent color, the list/tree will ignore it and print the following warning to the devtools:

List with id 'list_id_4' was styled with a non-opaque background color. This will break sub-pixel antialiasing.

Note 2: macOS doesn't have sub-pixel AA. This only affects Linux and Windows.

Workbench List/Tree Users

Non-Workbench List/Tree Users

These trees do not benefit from the workbench facilities. They use their own stylers. The listBackground needs to be added to those styles.

Good: Sub-pixel AA


Bad: Normal AA


Original issue by @alexandrudima : fyi @bpasero
  • take a screenshot on Windows of a tree, like the Explorer

  • zoom a lot

  • observe it uses greyscale text rendering:

  • if I make the following change in listView.ts:

  • then, the text renders with subpixel AA:

TL;DR: From what I could tell, as soon as you have a separate layer, the layer dom node itself must have an opaque background, at all times. If it gets transparent even for a split second, it will permanently render with grayscale text. More of my findings documented here




bugIssue identified by VS Code Team member as probable buglcd-text-renderinglist-widgetList widget issuesverifiedVerification succeeded


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