This plan captures our work in July. This is a 4-week iteration. We will ship in early August.
- July 22, 2024: Endgame begins
- July 26, 2024: Endgame done
The endgame details for this iteration are tracked here.
Plan Items
Below is a summary of the top level plan items.
Legend of annotations:
Mark | Description |
🏃 | work in progress |
✋ | blocked task |
💪 | stretch goal for this iteration |
🔴 | missing issue reference |
🔵 | more investigation required to remove uncertainty |
⚫ | under discussion within the team |
⬛ | a large work item, larger than one iteration |
- Accessibility issues, see query @meganrogge team
- Add url handling for settings vscode#212079 @alexr00
- Polish Profiles Editor UX vscode#218162 @sandy081
- Support an icon button style in quick pick vscode#221397 @TylerLeonhardt
- Support panel at the top vscode#50984 @benibenj
- 💪 Tree: Support contributable find providers vscode#212077 @benibenj
- Improve basic auth proxy support vscode#220034 @chrmarti
Code Editor
- 🏃 Investigation: Use tree-sitter for grammar colorization vscode#210475 @alexr00
- Allow editor.codeActionsOnSave for autoSave afterDelay vscode#200881 @justschen
- Improve where the lightbulb widget appears in the editor and notebook vscode#202767 @justschen
- Improve jumping when Code Lenses appear vscode#216824 @hediet
- Improve the diff editor when rendered in narrow containers vscode#221245 @hediet
- 🏃 Adopt EditContext vscode@207700 @aiday-mar @hediet
- 🏃 Release Monaco Editor @aiday-mar @hediet
Notebook Editor
- Command to Toggle comment for multiple cells vscode#142437 @Yoyokrazy
- 🏃 Proposal for restructuring and cleaning up the context menu in Notebook vscode#219240 @Yoyokrazy
- 💪 Explore supporting cmd+d across multiple cells vscode#141673 @Yoyokrazy
- 💪 Improve rendering of large code cell editor (e.g., sticky execution count) vscode#209154 @rebornix
- 💪 Explore hiding/collapsing unchanged cells in Notebook Diff Editor vscode#174152 @DonJayamanne
- 🏃 Explore finalizing
API vscode#73524 @andreamah - 🏃 Explore finalizing
API vscode#59921 @andreamah
Issue Reporter
- 🏃 Continue migrating desktop issue report to auxiliary service approach vscode#213332 @justschen
- Incorporate issue reporter participation into
yo code
generator vscode#220969 @justschen
- Contributions to the Python extension, see plan @karthiknadig team
Language Server Protocol
- Investigate into delaying open event to avoid sending open/close notification pairs to the server when VS Code reads file contents #lsp-848 @dbaeumer
- ✋ Finalize attributable test coverage API vscode#212196 @connor4312
- Support stack traces in test messages vscode#214488 @connor4312
- Explore support for related code vscode#126932 @connor4312
Debug Adapter Protocol
- 💪 Explore green thread support debug-adapter-protocol#339 @connor4312
- Adopt esbuild and ship ESM module with xterm.js xterm.js#2878 @Tyriar
- Adopt VS Code scrollbar in xterm.js vscode#216521 @Tyriar
- 🏃 Finalize shellIntegration API vscode#145234 @Tyriar
- 🏃 Iterating on pwsh suggest and PromptInputModel vscode#154662 @Tyriar
Source Control
- 🏃 Graph visualization for Incoming/Ougoing view vscode#215439 @lszomoru
- Adopt shell integration API for git commands vscode#220995 @lszomoru @Tyriar
- Print packaged extension contents on package/publish vscode-vsce#995 @benibenj
- Polish extension auto-update mechanism vscode#219720 @sandy081
Extension Contributions
- Support reverting merged PR changes vscode-pull-request-github#2103 @alexr00
- 🏃 Explore AMD to ESM migration vscode#160416 @jrieken @bpasero
- Electron 30 upgrade vscode#214394 @deepak1556
- 🏃 V8: Support usage of external array buffers for embedders in sandbox mode chromium#14585 @deepak1556
- Adopt basic auth support for net api in utility process vscode#212949 @deepak1556
- 💪 Update Getting Started experience doc vsocde-docs#7359 @ntrogh
- Explore GPU rendering of the code editor vscode#221145 @Tyriar @hediet
- Support Exceptions for result return types #wasm-177 @dbaeumer
- Add SCM accessibility help dialog vscode#203577 @lszomoru @meganrogge