This plan captures our work in February. This is a 4-week iteration. We will ship in early March.
- February 20, 2024: Endgame begins
- February 23, 2024: Endgame done
The endgame details for this iteration are tracked here.
Plan Items
Below is a summary of the top level plan items.
Legend of annotations:
Mark | Description |
🏃 | work in progress |
✋ | blocked task |
💪 | stretch goal for this iteration |
🔴 | missing issue reference |
🔵 | more investigation required to remove uncertainty |
⚫ | under discussion within the team |
⬛ | a large work item, larger than one iteration |
- Accessibility issues, see query @meganrogge team
- 💪 Explore Lay-of-the-Land command vscode#201898 @meganrogge
- ⚫ 🏃 Tree: Support showing entire cell on hover vscode#163580 @benibenj
- Localize inno-updater vscode#168894 @benibenj
- Align reorder UX across lists, tabs and views vscode#203441 @benibenj
- 💪 Support keyboard navigation between groups in quick picks vscode#149046 @TylerLeonhardt
- Support toggling settings from release notes vscode#204338 @alexr00
- ✋ Enable Window 11 context menu in Stable vscode#204696 @deepak1556
- 🏃 Investigate dictation support into the editor vscode#205263 @bpasero
- 🏃 Adopt the multi-file diff editor for rendering refactor previews vscode#204370 @aiday-mar @hediet @jrieken
Code Editor
- Support dynamic line heights using decorations vscode#194609 @hediet @alexdima
- Explore using the new EditContext API vscode#204371 @hediet
- Add support for multicursor for inline completions vscode#201308 @aiday-mar @hediet
- Release the Monaco Editor CHANGELOG @hediet
- Explore showing off-cursor inline edits vscode#204158 @hediet @aiday-mar
- 💪 Explore hover enriching vscode#195394 @aiday-mar @hediet
- 🏃 Polish the quick search preview editor experience vscode#204853 @andreamah
Notebook Editor
- 🏃 Polish variables view vscode#203480 @amunger
- Data viewer extension point for variables view: vscode#203054 @amunger
- Support picking tab vs spaces in notebook cell editor vscode#108675 @Yoyokrazy
- 🏃 Explore run in section in sticky scroll / outline / Go to Symbols vscode#199992 @Yoyokrazy
- 🏃 Notebook keyboard shortcut flakiness vscode#204950 @DonJayamanne
Jupyter Notebooks
- Update Codespace with latest Kernel Provider api vscode-jupyter#15125 @DonJayamanne
- Explore supporting requests from kernel on code execution vscode-jupyter#15124 @DonJayamanne
- Support module import/usage analysis in Run Dependent Cells vscode-jupyter#14674 @rebornix w/ Pylance team
WebAssembly Support
- 🏃 Implemented WASI preview 2
on top of the shared-memory model wasm-wasi#155 @dbaeumer
Issue Reporter
- 🔴 💪 Explore supporting the issue reporter in the web @justschen
- Contributions to the Python extension, see plan @brettcannon team
Language Server Protocol
- Support Snippets in workspace edits lsp#1414 @dbaeumer
- Design notebook formatting provider API lsp#1336 @karthiknadig @rebornix
- Change the TS language server to not always offer "Move to file..." code actions vscode#201310 @aiday-mar
- ✋ Automatic type acquisition on the web vscode#172887 @mjbvz
- ✋ Support bringing along imports with copy paste typescript#50187 @mjbvz
- Adopt
API in TS refactorings vscode#204040 @justschen
Source Control
- Support contextual actions in SCM Incoming/Outgoing nodes vscode#199318 @lszomoru
- Support displaying git branch info in title bar vscode#197498 @lszomoru
- Use diagnostics to show input validation warnings/errors vscode#201156 @lszomoru
- 🏃 Quick diff decorators for incoming changes vscode#204982 @lszomoru
- Make
-runnable vscode#199211 @connor4312 - Support test coverage in
vscode#203563 @connor4312 - 🏃 Finalize test coverage API @connor4312 vscode#123713 @connor4312
- Continue debug visualization exploration vscode#197287 @connor4312
Debug Adapter Protocol
- 🏃 Support additional data fields for breakpoint debug-adapter-protocol#454 debug-adapter-protocol#455 @connor4312
- 🏃 Explore improvements to the proposed IssueReporter API vscode#196863 @justschen
- Explore an improved findFiles API vscode#48674 @andreamah
- 💪 Remove "sortByLabel" default behavior and stale proposed API vscode#73904 @TylerLeonhardt
- API proposals: query @jrieken @mjbvz
- API finalization: query @jrieken @mjbvz
- Investigate high extension install error rate vscode#190233 @sandy081
Extension Contributions
- Improvements to the Remote extensions, see plan @roblourens @chrmarti @connor4312 @joyceerhl
- 🏃 GHPRI: Allow "Files Changed" in new PR to diff against file on disk vscode-pull-request-github#5163 @alexr00
- GHPRI: Support user-level PR templates vscode-pull-request-github#3414 @alexr00
- GHPRI: Support setting Project when creating PR vscode-pull-request-github#3062 @alexr00
- Investigate solutions to improve support for ESLint rules that have inter-file dependencies vscode-eslint#1774 @dbaeumer
- Explore adoption of the ESLint flat config support vscode-eslint#1644 @dbaeumer
- None.
- Update to Electron 28 vscode#201935 @deepak1556
- 🏃 V8: Support usage of external array buffers for embedders in sandbox mode chromium#14585 @deepak1556
- 💪 Explore quick fixes attached to rows in sticky scroll vscode#198116@Tyriar
- 🏃 Investigate compile C# code in the browser to IL using dotnet.wasm vscode-wasm#112 @dbaeumer
- Fix custom ZMQ build for Linux ARM32/ARM64 vscode-jupyter#14070 @DonJayamanne
- Adopt canonical URI Provider API for workspace trust vscode#180582 @sbatten