This plan captures our work in November. This is a 5-week iteration. We will ship in early December.
- November 27, 2023: Endgame begins
- December 1, 2023: Endgame done
The endgame details for this iteration are tracked here.
Plan Items
Below is a summary of the top level plan items.
Legend of annotations:
Mark | Description |
🏃 | work in progress |
✋ | blocked task |
💪 | stretch goal for this iteration |
🔴 | missing issue reference |
🔵 | more investigation required to remove uncertainty |
⚫ | under discussion within the team |
⬛ | a large work item, larger than one iteration |
- 🏃 Show icon only button tooltips vscode#132344 @meganrogge
- Accessibility issues, see query @meganrogge team
- Improve built-in walkthroughs vscode#197503 @daviddossett
- Allow for floating windows vscode#10121 @bpasero @Tyriar
- 🏃 Explore the ability to hide problem markers throughout the workbench vscode#166797 @justschen
- Tree: Support sticky scroll vscode#161207 @benibenj
Code Editor
- Fix hanging UI when code action widget has many entries vscode#196857 @justschen
- Address poor code actions sort order with multiple fixes on same line vscode#197162 @justschen
- Migrate users from from
-based code actions on save toenum
vscode#197161 @justschen - Multi File Diff Editor vscode#179000 @hediet
- Support dynamic line heights using decorations vscode#194609 @hediet @alexdima
- None.
Notebook Editor
- 🏃 Explore built-in "variable explorer" notebook functionality vscode#165445 @amunger
- 🏃 Multi-document highlighter API proposal and enhancements vscode#184259 @Yoyokrazy
- Support picking tab vs spaces in notebook cell editor vscode#108675 @Yoyokrazy
Jupyter Notebooks
- Kernel API finalization @DonJayamanne
- API proposal and adoption plans for 3rd party extensions vscode-jupyter#14669
- Explore UX for code execution permissions for third-party extensions vscode-jupyter#14669
- Explore enabling Non-Python kernel auto complete vscode-jupyter#14672 @DonJayamanne
- 💪 Explore Kernel Picker experience in Dev Containers vscode-jupyter#14673 @DonJayamanne @rebornix
- Support module import/usage analysis in Run Dependent Cells vscode-jupyter#14674 @rebornix w/ Pylance team
WebAssembly Support
- 🏃 Investigate compile C# code in the browser to IL using dotnet.wasm vscode-wasm#112 @dbaeumer
- Test the threading support in Python WASM vscode-wasm#148 @dbaeumer
- 🏃 Support WASI preview2 vscode-wasm#52 @dbaeumer
- Contributions to the python extension, see plan @brettcannon team
Language Server Protocol
- 🏃 LSP support to 3rd-parties vscode-python#21964 @karthiknadig
Source Control
- Ahead/behind view in SCM view container vscode#192290 @lszomoru
- None.
- Sticky scroll in the terminal vscode#172742 @Tyriar
- 💪 Explore quick fixes attached to rows in sticky scroll vscode#198116@Tyriar
- Highlight terminal commands subtly when mousing over them vscode#196634 @Tyriar
- 🏃 Design test coverage API vscode#123713 @connor4312
- API for selected run profiles (playwright ask) vscode#193160 @connor4312
- Support find in the test output panel vscode#193589 @connor4312
- Rust-based heap snapshot tooling vscode-js-debug#1855 @connor4312
- Investigate extension point for data visualization vscode#197287 @connor4312
- Support finer-grained control over extension auto-updates vscode#194188 @sandy081
Extension Contributions
- GHPRI: Support merge queues vscode-pull-request-github#5402 @alexr00
- 💪 Allow users to resolve merge conflicts from PR view vscode-pull-request-github#1562 @alexr00
- Improvements to the Remote extensions, see plan @roblourens @chrmarti @connor4312 @joyceerhl
- None.
- Gather heap metrics from CI vscode#191920 @connor4312
- ✋ Deprecate macOS 10.13, 10.14 vscode#192897 @deepak1556
- Update build agent distros vscode-linux-build-agent#41 @deepak1556
- Update to Electron 27 vscode#196941 @deepak1556
- 🏃 Wire
API into the utility process vscode#192899 @deepak1556 - 🏃 WCO on Windows leaves no room for resizing horizontally/diagonally vscode#185249 @rzhao271
- Polish unfocused dimming feature vscode#191775 @Tyriar
- Fix custom ZMQ build for Linux ARM32/ARM64 vscode-jupyter#14070 @DonJayamanne
- Adopt canonical URI Provider API for workspace trust vscode#180582 @sbatten
- Automatic type acquisition on the web vscode#172887 @mjbvz
- 🏃 Explore support for multiple GitHub accounts vscode#127967 @TylerLeonhardt
- 🏃 Add smart pasting of markdown URLs vscode#186289 @mjbvz
- 🏃 Add drop/paste for css vscode#189875 @mjbvz
- Support keyboard navigation between groups in quick picks vscode#149046 @TylerLeonhardt
- 🏃 Improve Profiles Management UX vscode#192387 @sandy081 @hbons