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Implement "Suggestion Mode" from Visual Studio #139825




In Visual Studio, there is a mode called "Suggestion Mode" that is described here in MS's documentation. This functionality is more succinctly described in this blog post. Basically, I would like for suggestions to be shown, but none "selected" until I actually wish to use them.

This has been brought up in several issues (at the very least #85768, #67698, #33725). I wanted to open a new issue to have the VSCode potentially reconsider this, since after reading one of the VSCode bot's links, it appears that older issues are unsubscribed by the team - it would be great to have this implemented.

Editing with some minor clarifications I provided in my comment below:

The ideal scenario that I personally am trying to have in VSCode is:

  1. I type something into an editor and I get suggestions.
  2. As I get those suggestions, none are "selected" until I hit "tab" or arrow-down the list of suggestions (I personally use "tab" to go through the suggestion list, but the point is that it should be an intentional choice for me to navigate through the list).
  3. At this point, I decide what I want to do. If I intentionally navigate into the suggestion list and I have decided on an item I want to insert, I hit "enter" and VSCode completes the selection into the editor. If I don't navigate into this list, "enter" will just insert a line break.





feature-requestRequest for new features or functionalityon-testplansuggestIntelliSense, Auto Complete


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