- VSCode Version:1.35.1
- Local OS Version: Linux Mint 19.1 Tessa
- Remote OS Version: CentOS Linux release 7.6.1810 (Core)
- Remote Extension/Connection Type: SSH
Steps to Reproduce:
- open an remote folder
- make some changes
- plus/sub signal in git manager is not shown. where they mean staged changes or unstaged.
Does this issue occur when you try this locally?: No
Does this issue occur when you try this locally and all extensions are disabled?: No
joaomoreno commentedon Jun 14, 2019
@eaglexiang Can you share a screenshot?
cc @jrieken @alexandrudima Icons from extensions seem to be missing.
eaglexiang commentedon Jun 14, 2019
sorry it's not must reproduced. could you wait for its next appearance?
joaomoreno commentedon Jun 14, 2019
I'll close this for now. Just comment once more if it appears. Or open a new issue.
eaglexiang commentedon Jun 19, 2019
it happened again.
eaglexiang commentedon Jun 19, 2019
as you see,
icon should be shown but not.eaglexiang commentedon Jun 24, 2019
@joaomoreno Could you reopen this issue?
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